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1st Kawasaki International EKIDEN 1st Kawasaki International EKIDEN 1st Kawasaki International EKIDEN

  • Date Date Date December 9, 2018 December 9, 2018 December 9, 2018
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2018/06/22 - 2018/10/31 2018/06/22 - 2018/10/31 2018/06/22 - 2018/10/31
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia
    Country Country Country Kanagawa , Japan Kanagawa , Japan Kanagawa , Japan
    Categories Categories Categories 42.195kmEKIDEN 42.195kmEKIDEN 42.195kmEKIDEN
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 24,500 JPY 24,500 JPY 24,500 JPY
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details afacy0523@gmail.com afacy0523@gmail.com afacy0523@gmail.com
    Web Site Web Site Web Site https://runnetglobal.com/entry/runtes/smp/competitiondetail.do?raceId=E327861&div=1 https://runnetglobal.com/entry/runtes/smp/competitiondetail.do?raceId=E327861&div=1 https://runnetglobal.com/entry/runtes/smp/competitiondetail.do?raceId=E327861&div=1

    "Kawasaki full marathon relay race", which is held on the second Sunday in December of every year over the past 35 years will be renewed as "Kawasaki international EKIDEN".We set up some new departments for people from abroad, high school students(it will be composed of the same interval as the national high school ekiden relay race for boys), and elderly people.It is going to be a relay race which various generations will join. Please feel free to come and join us.

    "Kawasaki full marathon relay race", which is held on the second Sunday in December of every year over the past 35 years will be renewed as "Kawasaki international EKIDEN".We set up some new departments for people from abroad, high school students(it will be composed of the same interval as the national high school ekiden relay race for boys), and elderly people.It is going to be a relay race which various generations will join. Please feel free to come and join us.

    "Kawasaki full marathon relay race", which is held on the second Sunday in December of every year over the past 35 years will be renewed as "Kawasaki international EKIDEN".We set up some new departments for people from abroad, high school students(it will be composed of the same interval as the national high school ekiden relay race for boys), and elderly people.It is going to be a relay race which various generations will join. Please feel free to come and join us.
