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Rock 'N' Roll DC Marathon & Half Marathon Rock 'N' Roll DC Marathon & Half Marathon Rock 'N' Roll DC Marathon & Half Marathon
Date Date Date 2017/03/11 2017/03/11 2017/03/11 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Northern America Northern America Northern America Country Country Country Washington DC, United States of America Washington DC, United States of America Washington DC, United States of America Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.runrocknroll.com/DC http://www.runrocknroll.com/DC http://www.runrocknroll.com/DC In 2017, the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series will be celebrating 20 Years Running. It all began in San Diego in 1998. 2017 will also mark United Airlines Rock 'n' Roll Washington DC Marathon & 1/2 Marathon's 6th year with the series since its inaugural race in 2012 as “Rock 'n' Roll USA”. The race, known for having the only marathon course contained entirely within the District of Columbia, originated as the National Marathon, in 2006. DC’s iconic landmarks set the stage for a race like no other. Runners enjoy great community support, cheer and rockin’ music, interspersed with sights like the White House, Washington Monument and the Capitol Hill district. Join us for a Capital Tour in DC as we celebrate 20 Years Running.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.runrocknroll.com/DCIn 2017, the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series will be celebrating 20 Years Running. It all began in San Diego in 1998. 2017 will also mark United Airlines Rock 'n' Roll Washington DC Marathon & 1/2 Marathon's 6th year with the series since its inaugural race in 2012 as “Rock 'n' Roll USA”. The race, known for having the only marathon course contained entirely within the District of Columbia, originated as the National Marathon, in 2006. DC’s iconic landmarks set the stage for a race like no other. Runners enjoy great community support, cheer and rockin’ music, interspersed with sights like the White House, Washington Monument and the Capitol Hill district. Join us for a Capital Tour in DC as we celebrate 20 Years Running.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.runrocknroll.com/DCIn 2017, the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series will be celebrating 20 Years Running. It all began in San Diego in 1998. 2017 will also mark United Airlines Rock 'n' Roll Washington DC Marathon & 1/2 Marathon's 6th year with the series since its inaugural race in 2012 as “Rock 'n' Roll USA”. The race, known for having the only marathon course contained entirely within the District of Columbia, originated as the National Marathon, in 2006. DC’s iconic landmarks set the stage for a race like no other. Runners enjoy great community support, cheer and rockin’ music, interspersed with sights like the White House, Washington Monument and the Capitol Hill district. Join us for a Capital Tour in DC as we celebrate 20 Years Running.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.runrocknroll.com/DC