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North Pole Marathon North Pole Marathon North Pole Marathon

  • Date Date Date 2018/04/09 2018/04/09 2018/04/09
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Others Others Others
    Country Country Country North Pole, Arctic North Pole, Arctic North Pole, Arctic
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.npmarathon.com http://www.npmarathon.com http://www.npmarathon.com
    The North Pole Marathon is run over the classic 42.195km (26.2 miles ) marathon distance. The race encompasses an individual competiton, with male and female divisions, and a team competition for teams of three or more. There is also an option to run a half marathon.
    Photo/Text Source: http://www.npmarathon.com
    The North Pole Marathon is run over the classic 42.195km (26.2 miles ) marathon distance. The race encompasses an individual competiton, with male and female divisions, and a team competition for teams of three or more. There is also an option to run a half marathon.
    Photo/Text Source: http://www.npmarathon.com
    The North Pole Marathon is run over the classic 42.195km (26.2 miles ) marathon distance. The race encompasses an individual competiton, with male and female divisions, and a team competition for teams of three or more. There is also an option to run a half marathon.
    Photo/Text Source: http://www.npmarathon.com