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Gornergrat Zermatt Marathon Gornergrat Zermatt Marathon Gornergrat Zermatt Marathon
Date Date Date 2017/07/01 2017/07/01 2017/07/01 Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period - 2017/06/30 - 2017/06/30 - 2017/06/30 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe Country Country Country St. Niklaus, Switzerland St. Niklaus, Switzerland St. Niklaus, Switzerland Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 647 647 647 Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.zermattmarathon.ch/ http://www.zermattmarathon.ch/ http://www.zermattmarathon.ch/ The Gornergrat - Zermatt Marathon is one of the finest running events in the Alps. Start in St. Niklaus (1,116 m), finish in Zermatt on Riffelberg (2,585 m) – with the option of racing all the way to the top of the Gornergrat (3,089 m).
The course covers 42.195 km and conquers 1'469 metres altitude. One compensation for the gruelling run is the breathtaking panorama.
The marathon welcomes not only runners, but also spectators who can enjoy this event within an unforgettable setting. The "Terraces on the move" will be an attractive and original event: an excursion train of the "Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn" Company going from St. Niklaus to Zermatt in the same way as the Marathon. Departure of the "Terraces on the move" from St. Niklaus: 8.50 am
Photo/Text Source: http://www.zermattmarathon.ch/The Gornergrat - Zermatt Marathon is one of the finest running events in the Alps. Start in St. Niklaus (1,116 m), finish in Zermatt on Riffelberg (2,585 m) – with the option of racing all the way to the top of the Gornergrat (3,089 m).
The course covers 42.195 km and conquers 1'469 metres altitude. One compensation for the gruelling run is the breathtaking panorama.
The marathon welcomes not only runners, but also spectators who can enjoy this event within an unforgettable setting. The "Terraces on the move" will be an attractive and original event: an excursion train of the "Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn" Company going from St. Niklaus to Zermatt in the same way as the Marathon. Departure of the "Terraces on the move" from St. Niklaus: 8.50 am
Photo/Text Source: http://www.zermattmarathon.ch/The Gornergrat - Zermatt Marathon is one of the finest running events in the Alps. Start in St. Niklaus (1,116 m), finish in Zermatt on Riffelberg (2,585 m) – with the option of racing all the way to the top of the Gornergrat (3,089 m).
The course covers 42.195 km and conquers 1'469 metres altitude. One compensation for the gruelling run is the breathtaking panorama.
The marathon welcomes not only runners, but also spectators who can enjoy this event within an unforgettable setting. The "Terraces on the move" will be an attractive and original event: an excursion train of the "Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn" Company going from St. Niklaus to Zermatt in the same way as the Marathon. Departure of the "Terraces on the move" from St. Niklaus: 8.50 am
Photo/Text Source: http://www.zermattmarathon.ch/