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Angkor Wat International Half Marathon Angkor Wat International Half Marathon Angkor Wat International Half Marathon

  • Date Date Date December 3, 2017 December 3, 2017 December 3, 2017
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia
    Country Country Country Phnom Penh, Cambodia Phnom Penh, Cambodia Phnom Penh, Cambodia
    Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon Half Marathon Half Marathon
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Local (Half Marathon)
    Until June 30, 2017: 2508 THB
    July 1 - November 1, 2017: 2850 THB

    Overseas (Half Marathon)
    Until September 30, 2017: 60 USD
    Until November 1, 2017: 68 USD
    Local (Half Marathon)
    Until June 30, 2017: 2508 THB
    July 1 - November 1, 2017: 2850 THB

    Overseas (Half Marathon)
    Until September 30, 2017: 60 USD
    Until November 1, 2017: 68 USD
    Local (Half Marathon)
    Until June 30, 2017: 2508 THB
    July 1 - November 1, 2017: 2850 THB

    Overseas (Half Marathon)
    Until September 30, 2017: 60 USD
    Until November 1, 2017: 68 USD
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details info@cambodia-events.org info@cambodia-events.org info@cambodia-events.org
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.cambodia-events.org http://www.cambodia-events.org http://www.cambodia-events.org

        From the beginning ,this internationally recognized half marathon raises relief for the victims of antipersonnel mines in Cambodia. With the support of many Japanese running enthusiasts, the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon NGO started the race in 1996, with participants from all over the world. Attended by many landmine victims, this great international race takes place inside the ruins of Angkor Wat, a World Heritage Site, and has been held annually to give the victims courage and hope, as well as to appeal to the world to support the “ban on the use of antipersonnel mines.”

        Runners from all over the world participate to support a ban on the manufacture and inhumane use of antipersonnel mines. Entry fees and additional financial support foster independence among landmine victims by helping provide prosthetic limbs, social reintegration programs, and supporting other relevant and needed programs such as education and prevention of HIV / AIDS. Another part of charity also goes to the support Children hospitals in Cambodia Such as Angkor Children Hospital and Kantha Bopha Children Hospital.

    Photo/Text Source: Official Website

        From the beginning ,this internationally recognized half marathon raises relief for the victims of antipersonnel mines in Cambodia. With the support of many Japanese running enthusiasts, the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon NGO started the race in 1996, with participants from all over the world. Attended by many landmine victims, this great international race takes place inside the ruins of Angkor Wat, a World Heritage Site, and has been held annually to give the victims courage and hope, as well as to appeal to the world to support the “ban on the use of antipersonnel mines.”

        Runners from all over the world participate to support a ban on the manufacture and inhumane use of antipersonnel mines. Entry fees and additional financial support foster independence among landmine victims by helping provide prosthetic limbs, social reintegration programs, and supporting other relevant and needed programs such as education and prevention of HIV / AIDS. Another part of charity also goes to the support Children hospitals in Cambodia Such as Angkor Children Hospital and Kantha Bopha Children Hospital.

    Photo/Text Source: Official Website

        From the beginning ,this internationally recognized half marathon raises relief for the victims of antipersonnel mines in Cambodia. With the support of many Japanese running enthusiasts, the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon NGO started the race in 1996, with participants from all over the world. Attended by many landmine victims, this great international race takes place inside the ruins of Angkor Wat, a World Heritage Site, and has been held annually to give the victims courage and hope, as well as to appeal to the world to support the “ban on the use of antipersonnel mines.”

        Runners from all over the world participate to support a ban on the manufacture and inhumane use of antipersonnel mines. Entry fees and additional financial support foster independence among landmine victims by helping provide prosthetic limbs, social reintegration programs, and supporting other relevant and needed programs such as education and prevention of HIV / AIDS. Another part of charity also goes to the support Children hospitals in Cambodia Such as Angkor Children Hospital and Kantha Bopha Children Hospital.

    Photo/Text Source: Official Website
