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The 11th Fuji Sanroku Trail Run The 11th Fuji Sanroku Trail Run The 11th Fuji Sanroku Trail Run
Date Date Date September 30, 2017 September 30, 2017 September 30, 2017 Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/04/20 - 2017/07/31 2017/04/20 - 2017/07/31 2017/04/20 - 2017/07/31 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia Country Country Country Yamanashi, Japan Yamanashi, Japan Yamanashi, Japan Categories Categories Categories 10km
18km 10km
18km 10km
18kmParticipation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 10km: 4500 JPY
18km: 5000 JPY 10km: 4500 JPY
18km: 5000 JPY 10km: 4500 JPY
18km: 5000 JPYContact Details Contact Details Contact Details Fuji Sanroku Trail Run Committee
west-tokyo@runners.co.jp Fuji Sanroku Trail Run Committee
west-tokyo@runners.co.jp Fuji Sanroku Trail Run Committee
west-tokyo@runners.co.jpWeb Site Web Site Web Site http://trailrun-series.jp/ http://trailrun-series.jp/ http://trailrun-series.jp/ 98% of the course features mountain trails, which allows you to run comfortably while enjoying the scenery. Participants may also enjoy a live band performance by Rikka Fukuda, singer and doctor who also is an athlete.The course overlooks Mount Fuji, Aokigahara-Jukai (a sea of trees), and Fuji Five Lakes. Don't miss this rare opportunity to experience Mount Fuji like never before!
98% of the course features mountain trails, which allows you to run comfortably while enjoying the scenery. Participants may also enjoy a live band performance by Rikka Fukuda, singer and doctor who also is an athlete.The course overlooks Mount Fuji, Aokigahara-Jukai (a sea of trees), and Fuji Five Lakes. Don't miss this rare opportunity to experience Mount Fuji like never before!
98% of the course features mountain trails, which allows you to run comfortably while enjoying the scenery. Participants may also enjoy a live band performance by Rikka Fukuda, singer and doctor who also is an athlete.The course overlooks Mount Fuji, Aokigahara-Jukai (a sea of trees), and Fuji Five Lakes. Don't miss this rare opportunity to experience Mount Fuji like never before!