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Yerevan Half Marathon Yerevan Half Marathon Yerevan Half Marathon

  • Date Date Date October 15, 2017 October 15, 2017 October 15, 2017
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia
    Country Country Country Yerevan, Armenia Yerevan, Armenia Yerevan, Armenia
    Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon Half Marathon Half Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 9000 drams 9000 drams 9000 drams
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 308 308 308
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 299 299 299
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.armeniamarathon.org http://www.armeniamarathon.org http://www.armeniamarathon.org
    This year in October, Yerevan will host the third annual  half-marathon. Hundreds of runners will head from the start line to run together across the city’s beautiful streets, historical buildings, enjoying the view of the highlands and fresh mountain air.

    Yerevan Half Marathon team organizes a series of running events during the year which aim to:
    – promote long-distance running in Armenia
    – promote healthy lifestyle
    – attract sports tourism
    – create an additional reason for diasporan Armenians to visit their homeland
    – support charity case.

    Half Marathon is a real celebration for all runners, regardless of their fitness level or training background. If you are a beginner, try your hand at 5 or 10 km distance, after one or two months running workouts. With a few months of regular training, you will be able to cover the distance of 21.1 km. You can find the training program on our website.

    Make an ambitious goal to run the entire half-marathon in a friendly atmosphere and cheerful company of peer runners. We have something to offer to experienced runners as well: an interesting route, professional race management, MYLAPS professional timing system, and distances measured by the AIMS accredited measurer

    This year in October, Yerevan will host the third annual  half-marathon. Hundreds of runners will head from the start line to run together across the city’s beautiful streets, historical buildings, enjoying the view of the highlands and fresh mountain air.

    Yerevan Half Marathon team organizes a series of running events during the year which aim to:
    – promote long-distance running in Armenia
    – promote healthy lifestyle
    – attract sports tourism
    – create an additional reason for diasporan Armenians to visit their homeland
    – support charity case.

    Half Marathon is a real celebration for all runners, regardless of their fitness level or training background. If you are a beginner, try your hand at 5 or 10 km distance, after one or two months running workouts. With a few months of regular training, you will be able to cover the distance of 21.1 km. You can find the training program on our website.

    Make an ambitious goal to run the entire half-marathon in a friendly atmosphere and cheerful company of peer runners. We have something to offer to experienced runners as well: an interesting route, professional race management, MYLAPS professional timing system, and distances measured by the AIMS accredited measurer

    This year in October, Yerevan will host the third annual  half-marathon. Hundreds of runners will head from the start line to run together across the city’s beautiful streets, historical buildings, enjoying the view of the highlands and fresh mountain air.

    Yerevan Half Marathon team organizes a series of running events during the year which aim to:
    – promote long-distance running in Armenia
    – promote healthy lifestyle
    – attract sports tourism
    – create an additional reason for diasporan Armenians to visit their homeland
    – support charity case.

    Half Marathon is a real celebration for all runners, regardless of their fitness level or training background. If you are a beginner, try your hand at 5 or 10 km distance, after one or two months running workouts. With a few months of regular training, you will be able to cover the distance of 21.1 km. You can find the training program on our website.

    Make an ambitious goal to run the entire half-marathon in a friendly atmosphere and cheerful company of peer runners. We have something to offer to experienced runners as well: an interesting route, professional race management, MYLAPS professional timing system, and distances measured by the AIMS accredited measurer
