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Linker Oevert 1/2 Marathon Linker Oevert 1/2 Marathon Linker Oevert 1/2 Marathon

  • Date Date Date October 15, 2017 October 15, 2017 October 15, 2017
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Antwerp, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium
    Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon
    Kid's Run
    Half Marathon
    Kid's Run
    Half Marathon
    Kid's Run
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Half Marathon: 16 EUR (20 EUR onsite)
    10km: 16 EUR (20 EUR onsite)
    Half Marathon: 16 EUR (20 EUR onsite)
    10km: 16 EUR (20 EUR onsite)
    Half Marathon: 16 EUR (20 EUR onsite)
    10km: 16 EUR (20 EUR onsite)
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 1045 1045 1045
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 1044 1044 1044
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.linkeroeverthalfmarathon.com http://www.linkeroeverthalfmarathon.com http://www.linkeroeverthalfmarathon.com

    This year on the 15th of October 2017, Rhythm ‘n’ Run Marathon Club Antwerp organises the fourth edition of Linker Oevert 1/2 Marathon: A running competition measured by AIMS and a charity run in support of the Child Cancer Foundation.

    Every runner, no matter his or her age or level is welcome at our event. It takes place in the middle of the marathon season, so you can train for your future marathons during this recreational competition. Linkeroever is a hidden gem in Antwerp, Belgium. It is located next to the river Scheldt, and the runners have a constant view on the skyline of Antwerp. They will follow a varied track close to the water; they will run through a forest, on a Finnish running track, through the marina.

    Text Source: Official Website

    This year on the 15th of October 2017, Rhythm ‘n’ Run Marathon Club Antwerp organises the fourth edition of Linker Oevert 1/2 Marathon: A running competition measured by AIMS and a charity run in support of the Child Cancer Foundation.

    Every runner, no matter his or her age or level is welcome at our event. It takes place in the middle of the marathon season, so you can train for your future marathons during this recreational competition. Linkeroever is a hidden gem in Antwerp, Belgium. It is located next to the river Scheldt, and the runners have a constant view on the skyline of Antwerp. They will follow a varied track close to the water; they will run through a forest, on a Finnish running track, through the marina.

    Text Source: Official Website

    This year on the 15th of October 2017, Rhythm ‘n’ Run Marathon Club Antwerp organises the fourth edition of Linker Oevert 1/2 Marathon: A running competition measured by AIMS and a charity run in support of the Child Cancer Foundation.

    Every runner, no matter his or her age or level is welcome at our event. It takes place in the middle of the marathon season, so you can train for your future marathons during this recreational competition. Linkeroever is a hidden gem in Antwerp, Belgium. It is located next to the river Scheldt, and the runners have a constant view on the skyline of Antwerp. They will follow a varied track close to the water; they will run through a forest, on a Finnish running track, through the marina.

    Text Source: Official Website
