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Ston Wall Marathon Ston Wall Marathon Ston Wall Marathon
Date Date Date 2017/09/24 2017/09/24 2017/09/24 Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/05/01 - 2017/09/20 2017/05/01 - 2017/09/20 2017/05/01 - 2017/09/20 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe Country Country Country Ston, Croatia Ston, Croatia Ston, Croatia Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 39 EUR 39 EUR 39 EUR Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.ston-wall-marathon.com http://www.ston-wall-marathon.com http://www.ston-wall-marathon.com Whilst passing along the Walls of Ston and further along the coast, the main feature of the race is the unforgettable view of the islands of the Southern Adriatic. But apart from participating in the race, you can also spend your holiday in the beautiful Mediterranean surroundings, visit numerous cultural sites, try the local cuisine and enjoy some local hospitality.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.ston-wall-marathon.comWhilst passing along the Walls of Ston and further along the coast, the main feature of the race is the unforgettable view of the islands of the Southern Adriatic. But apart from participating in the race, you can also spend your holiday in the beautiful Mediterranean surroundings, visit numerous cultural sites, try the local cuisine and enjoy some local hospitality.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.ston-wall-marathon.comWhilst passing along the Walls of Ston and further along the coast, the main feature of the race is the unforgettable view of the islands of the Southern Adriatic. But apart from participating in the race, you can also spend your holiday in the beautiful Mediterranean surroundings, visit numerous cultural sites, try the local cuisine and enjoy some local hospitality.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.ston-wall-marathon.com