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Grande Premio Fim da Europa Grande Premio Fim da Europa Grande Premio Fim da Europa

  • Date Date Date 2017/01/29 2017/01/29 2017/01/29
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/01/29 - 2017/01/29 2017/01/29 - 2017/01/29 2017/01/29 - 2017/01/29
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Lisbon, Portugal Lisbon, Portugal Lisbon, Portugal
    Categories Categories Categories 17km 17km 17km
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Local: 13 EUR
    Overseas: 25 EUR
    Local: 13 EUR
    Overseas: 25 EUR
    Local: 13 EUR
    Overseas: 25 EUR
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 2755 2755 2755
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 2507 2507 2507
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.fimdaeuropa.com http://www.fimdaeuropa.com http://www.fimdaeuropa.com
        Understand why someone wrote in the Racing World Forum that "There will hardly be more beautiful proof!" The proof is on page 5 of Harper Colling Publishers' award-winning "World's Ultimate Running Races", which highlights the world's 500 most emblematic races. 
        Sintra and its mountains are truly unique. Of course they are very beautiful. But above all, unique. It is this singularity that underlies the Sintra celebrity, its international renown among poets, artists and thinkers .... and now among the athletes and popular runners! 
        The meandering of the mountain range, its natural beauty, its monuments and its arrival at the sea, even close to the end of Europe "were undoubtedly the motivation that almost three decades ago led a group of people to launch this challenge to a few hundred Of participants. Today, the desire of a few thousand people to take part in this race, which, beyond the beauty of the landscapes, is a personal challenge, due to the hardness of the course, the winter climate and the fraternization.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.fimdaeuropa.com
        Understand why someone wrote in the Racing World Forum that "There will hardly be more beautiful proof!" The proof is on page 5 of Harper Colling Publishers' award-winning "World's Ultimate Running Races", which highlights the world's 500 most emblematic races. 
        Sintra and its mountains are truly unique. Of course they are very beautiful. But above all, unique. It is this singularity that underlies the Sintra celebrity, its international renown among poets, artists and thinkers .... and now among the athletes and popular runners! 
        The meandering of the mountain range, its natural beauty, its monuments and its arrival at the sea, even close to the end of Europe "were undoubtedly the motivation that almost three decades ago led a group of people to launch this challenge to a few hundred Of participants. Today, the desire of a few thousand people to take part in this race, which, beyond the beauty of the landscapes, is a personal challenge, due to the hardness of the course, the winter climate and the fraternization.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.fimdaeuropa.com
        Understand why someone wrote in the Racing World Forum that "There will hardly be more beautiful proof!" The proof is on page 5 of Harper Colling Publishers' award-winning "World's Ultimate Running Races", which highlights the world's 500 most emblematic races. 
        Sintra and its mountains are truly unique. Of course they are very beautiful. But above all, unique. It is this singularity that underlies the Sintra celebrity, its international renown among poets, artists and thinkers .... and now among the athletes and popular runners! 
        The meandering of the mountain range, its natural beauty, its monuments and its arrival at the sea, even close to the end of Europe "were undoubtedly the motivation that almost three decades ago led a group of people to launch this challenge to a few hundred Of participants. Today, the desire of a few thousand people to take part in this race, which, beyond the beauty of the landscapes, is a personal challenge, due to the hardness of the course, the winter climate and the fraternization.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.fimdaeuropa.com