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Maraton Malaga Maraton Malaga Maraton Malaga

  • Date Date Date 2017/12/10 2017/12/10 2017/12/10
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Malaga, Spain Malaga, Spain Malaga, Spain
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.maratonmalaga.com http://www.maratonmalaga.com http://www.maratonmalaga.com
    Live the running like never before. At the Asics Half Marathon in Madrid there are no insurmountable barriers! The biggest and most spectacular Half-Marathon in Spain returns. Take your shoes and shoot yourself in its MaratonMalaga offers you one of the best climates in the world. Due to its geographical location in the South of Europe, winters are mild and summers moderate. The proximity to the sea and 320 days of sun each year guarantee its good weather. A cosmopolitan city that has been able to develop a great cultural, gastronomic and leisure offer making it a tourist destination inevitably to be visited.

    Accessible and well connected, its international airport connects it to more than 120 destinations, 100 of them international: (23 in United Kingdom, 17 in Germany, 3 in Denmark, 5 in Sweden, 6 in Norway, among others), facilitating your getaway any time of the year. A modern hotel infrastructure and accommodation of undoubted quality complete a tourist offer that will make you enjoy your stay to the upmost.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.maratonmalaga.com
    Live the running like never before. At the Asics Half Marathon in Madrid there are no insurmountable barriers! The biggest and most spectacular Half-Marathon in Spain returns. Take your shoes and shoot yourself in its MaratonMalaga offers you one of the best climates in the world. Due to its geographical location in the South of Europe, winters are mild and summers moderate. The proximity to the sea and 320 days of sun each year guarantee its good weather. A cosmopolitan city that has been able to develop a great cultural, gastronomic and leisure offer making it a tourist destination inevitably to be visited.

    Accessible and well connected, its international airport connects it to more than 120 destinations, 100 of them international: (23 in United Kingdom, 17 in Germany, 3 in Denmark, 5 in Sweden, 6 in Norway, among others), facilitating your getaway any time of the year. A modern hotel infrastructure and accommodation of undoubted quality complete a tourist offer that will make you enjoy your stay to the upmost.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.maratonmalaga.com
    Live the running like never before. At the Asics Half Marathon in Madrid there are no insurmountable barriers! The biggest and most spectacular Half-Marathon in Spain returns. Take your shoes and shoot yourself in its MaratonMalaga offers you one of the best climates in the world. Due to its geographical location in the South of Europe, winters are mild and summers moderate. The proximity to the sea and 320 days of sun each year guarantee its good weather. A cosmopolitan city that has been able to develop a great cultural, gastronomic and leisure offer making it a tourist destination inevitably to be visited.

    Accessible and well connected, its international airport connects it to more than 120 destinations, 100 of them international: (23 in United Kingdom, 17 in Germany, 3 in Denmark, 5 in Sweden, 6 in Norway, among others), facilitating your getaway any time of the year. A modern hotel infrastructure and accommodation of undoubted quality complete a tourist offer that will make you enjoy your stay to the upmost.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.maratonmalaga.com