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CSOB Bratislava Marathon CSOB Bratislava Marathon CSOB Bratislava Marathon
Date Date Date 2017/04/02 2017/04/02 2017/04/02 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe Country Country Country Bratislava, Slovakia Bratislava, Slovakia Bratislava, Slovakia Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.bratislavamarathon.com http://www.bratislavamarathon.com http://www.bratislavamarathon.com During its 10 years history the Bratislava marathon became a real sport-social as well as cultural event which, thanks to its 3-days rich program, attracts more and more domestic as well as foreign visitors to Bratislava. Because of this the new project the HISTORY RUN started few years ago. This unique, 6 km long track leads the runners through the city along the most attractive monuments. The popular History Run will be a part also of the 11th CSOB Bratislava Marathon and its participants can look for to see, from the runner´s perspective, the concert hall Reduta, the historical Slovak National Theatre, the popular Cumil statue, the House of the Good Shepherd, where the clock museum is situated, the majestic St. Martins Cathedral as well as the Bratislava Castle.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.bratislavamarathon.comDuring its 10 years history the Bratislava marathon became a real sport-social as well as cultural event which, thanks to its 3-days rich program, attracts more and more domestic as well as foreign visitors to Bratislava. Because of this the new project the HISTORY RUN started few years ago. This unique, 6 km long track leads the runners through the city along the most attractive monuments. The popular History Run will be a part also of the 11th CSOB Bratislava Marathon and its participants can look for to see, from the runner´s perspective, the concert hall Reduta, the historical Slovak National Theatre, the popular Cumil statue, the House of the Good Shepherd, where the clock museum is situated, the majestic St. Martins Cathedral as well as the Bratislava Castle.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.bratislavamarathon.comDuring its 10 years history the Bratislava marathon became a real sport-social as well as cultural event which, thanks to its 3-days rich program, attracts more and more domestic as well as foreign visitors to Bratislava. Because of this the new project the HISTORY RUN started few years ago. This unique, 6 km long track leads the runners through the city along the most attractive monuments. The popular History Run will be a part also of the 11th CSOB Bratislava Marathon and its participants can look for to see, from the runner´s perspective, the concert hall Reduta, the historical Slovak National Theatre, the popular Cumil statue, the House of the Good Shepherd, where the clock museum is situated, the majestic St. Martins Cathedral as well as the Bratislava Castle.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.bratislavamarathon.com