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3 Country Sparkasse Marathon 3 Country Sparkasse Marathon 3 Country Sparkasse Marathon

  • Date Date Date October 8, 2017 October 8, 2017 October 8, 2017
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Bregenz, Austria Bregenz, Austria Bregenz, Austria
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon (42.195km)
    Half Marathon (21.09km)
    Quarter Marathon (10.9km)
    11km Walking
    Marathon (42.195km)
    Half Marathon (21.09km)
    Quarter Marathon (10.9km)
    11km Walking
    Marathon (42.195km)
    Half Marathon (21.09km)
    Quarter Marathon (10.9km)
    11km Walking
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Until December 31, 2016: 56 EUR
    Until March 31, 2017: 59 EUR
    Until June 3, 2017: 64 EUR
    Until August 31, 2017: 69 EUR
    Late Registration: 74 EUR
    Until December 31, 2016: 56 EUR
    Until March 31, 2017: 59 EUR
    Until June 3, 2017: 64 EUR
    Until August 31, 2017: 69 EUR
    Late Registration: 74 EUR
    Until December 31, 2016: 56 EUR
    Until March 31, 2017: 59 EUR
    Until June 3, 2017: 64 EUR
    Until August 31, 2017: 69 EUR
    Late Registration: 74 EUR
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 5044 5044 5044
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 4972 4972 4972
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details info@sparkasse-3-laender-marathon.at info@sparkasse-3-laender-marathon.at info@sparkasse-3-laender-marathon.at
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.sparkasse-3-laender-marathon.at http://www.sparkasse-3-laender-marathon.at http://www.sparkasse-3-laender-marathon.at
    The course is though three countries The marathon starts from the beautiful Island of Lindau -habour, then passes through the Austrian towns Lochau, Bregenz, Hard, Höchst, it then crosses the Swiss border at St. Margreten and continues across the Rheindamm back to Hard and finally finishes in Bregenz. A marathon to enjoy 60% of the course takes place along Lake Constance. You pass the world’s largest open theatre, with the stage design of the opera Turandot. Then passing through reeds and woods, you finally finish in the Casino-Stadium in Bregenz, where a cheering crowd awaits you. A marathon for your soul Shortly before crossing the finish line, you pass the antique abbey Mehrerau, a place of peace and spirituality. 

    Text Source: Official Website
    The course is though three countries The marathon starts from the beautiful Island of Lindau -habour, then passes through the Austrian towns Lochau, Bregenz, Hard, Höchst, it then crosses the Swiss border at St. Margreten and continues across the Rheindamm back to Hard and finally finishes in Bregenz. A marathon to enjoy 60% of the course takes place along Lake Constance. You pass the world’s largest open theatre, with the stage design of the opera Turandot. Then passing through reeds and woods, you finally finish in the Casino-Stadium in Bregenz, where a cheering crowd awaits you. A marathon for your soul Shortly before crossing the finish line, you pass the antique abbey Mehrerau, a place of peace and spirituality. 

    Text Source: Official Website
    The course is though three countries The marathon starts from the beautiful Island of Lindau -habour, then passes through the Austrian towns Lochau, Bregenz, Hard, Höchst, it then crosses the Swiss border at St. Margreten and continues across the Rheindamm back to Hard and finally finishes in Bregenz. A marathon to enjoy 60% of the course takes place along Lake Constance. You pass the world’s largest open theatre, with the stage design of the opera Turandot. Then passing through reeds and woods, you finally finish in the Casino-Stadium in Bregenz, where a cheering crowd awaits you. A marathon for your soul Shortly before crossing the finish line, you pass the antique abbey Mehrerau, a place of peace and spirituality. 

    Text Source: Official Website