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Diacore Gaborone Marathon Diacore Gaborone Marathon Diacore Gaborone Marathon
Date Date Date May 13, 2018 May 13, 2018 May 13, 2018 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Africa Africa Africa Country Country Country Gaborone, Botswana Gaborone, Botswana Gaborone, Botswana Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details info@diacoregaboronemarathon.com info@diacoregaboronemarathon.com info@diacoregaboronemarathon.com Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.diacoregaboronemarathon.com http://www.diacoregaboronemarathon.com http://www.diacoregaboronemarathon.com Since title sponsor Diacore adopted the race in 2012 it has grown from 2,000 to well over 6,000 participants. The event includes a 42.2km Marathon, 21.1km half marathon, 10km race and a 4km fun run for the whole family. The marathon is an incredibly fun day out for the entire family with great activities such as Zumba, water slides, stage performances, food courts and plenty of refreshments. As an AIMS and IAAF certified event the Diacore Gaborone Marathon is a qualifier for Two Oceans, Comrades, Commonwealth and Olympic games. It is also widely renowned as one of the flattest and fastest routes in the region. In 2017, in conjunction with Wilderness Safaris, the marathon will be offering amazing tourism packages which give runners the opportunity to tour some of the most beautiful parts of Botswana before ultimately capping their trip with the incredible marathon experience.
Photo/Text Source: Offical WebsiteSince title sponsor Diacore adopted the race in 2012 it has grown from 2,000 to well over 6,000 participants. The event includes a 42.2km Marathon, 21.1km half marathon, 10km race and a 4km fun run for the whole family. The marathon is an incredibly fun day out for the entire family with great activities such as Zumba, water slides, stage performances, food courts and plenty of refreshments. As an AIMS and IAAF certified event the Diacore Gaborone Marathon is a qualifier for Two Oceans, Comrades, Commonwealth and Olympic games. It is also widely renowned as one of the flattest and fastest routes in the region. In 2017, in conjunction with Wilderness Safaris, the marathon will be offering amazing tourism packages which give runners the opportunity to tour some of the most beautiful parts of Botswana before ultimately capping their trip with the incredible marathon experience.
Photo/Text Source: Offical WebsiteSince title sponsor Diacore adopted the race in 2012 it has grown from 2,000 to well over 6,000 participants. The event includes a 42.2km Marathon, 21.1km half marathon, 10km race and a 4km fun run for the whole family. The marathon is an incredibly fun day out for the entire family with great activities such as Zumba, water slides, stage performances, food courts and plenty of refreshments. As an AIMS and IAAF certified event the Diacore Gaborone Marathon is a qualifier for Two Oceans, Comrades, Commonwealth and Olympic games. It is also widely renowned as one of the flattest and fastest routes in the region. In 2017, in conjunction with Wilderness Safaris, the marathon will be offering amazing tourism packages which give runners the opportunity to tour some of the most beautiful parts of Botswana before ultimately capping their trip with the incredible marathon experience.
Photo/Text Source: Offical Website