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Tangamanga International Marathon Tangamanga International Marathon Tangamanga International Marathon
Date Date Date 2017/06/25 2017/06/25 2017/06/25 Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2016/07/01 - 2016/06/24 2016/07/01 - 2016/06/24 2016/07/01 - 2016/06/24 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region North America North America North America Country Country Country San Luis Polosi, Mexico San Luis Polosi, Mexico San Luis Polosi, Mexico Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Local: 250 MXN
Overseas: 300 MXN Local: 250 MXN
Overseas: 300 MXN Local: 250 MXN
Overseas: 300 MXNNumber of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 3644 3644 3644 Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 3344 3344 3344 Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.maratontangamanga.com http://www.maratontangamanga.com http://www.maratontangamanga.com Marathon International Tangamanga started in 1983 to celebrate the city of San Luis Potosi, today is one of the oldest running events in the country. It is called Tangamanga International Marathon in honor of the Indian word huasteca Tangamanga is a word meaning water and gold, referring to the "Valley Tangamanga" Also its route passed and still passes through the Tangamanga Park One, the second largest urban park from Mexico.
The Tangamanga Marathon was founded by Governor Carlos Jongitud Barrios, the start and finish was during 11 years in the Tangamanga Park No. 1, it was until 1993 it was decided to change the route and move the start and finish at the Plaza de Founders in the historic center of the city, to have a route with more spectators and more scenic.
[From: https://worldsmarathons.com/marathon/tangamanga-intl-marathon]Marathon International Tangamanga started in 1983 to celebrate the city of San Luis Potosi, today is one of the oldest running events in the country. It is called Tangamanga International Marathon in honor of the Indian word huasteca Tangamanga is a word meaning water and gold, referring to the "Valley Tangamanga" Also its route passed and still passes through the Tangamanga Park One, the second largest urban park from Mexico.
The Tangamanga Marathon was founded by Governor Carlos Jongitud Barrios, the start and finish was during 11 years in the Tangamanga Park No. 1, it was until 1993 it was decided to change the route and move the start and finish at the Plaza de Founders in the historic center of the city, to have a route with more spectators and more scenic.
[From: https://worldsmarathons.com/marathon/tangamanga-intl-marathon]Marathon International Tangamanga started in 1983 to celebrate the city of San Luis Potosi, today is one of the oldest running events in the country. It is called Tangamanga International Marathon in honor of the Indian word huasteca Tangamanga is a word meaning water and gold, referring to the "Valley Tangamanga" Also its route passed and still passes through the Tangamanga Park One, the second largest urban park from Mexico.
The Tangamanga Marathon was founded by Governor Carlos Jongitud Barrios, the start and finish was during 11 years in the Tangamanga Park No. 1, it was until 1993 it was decided to change the route and move the start and finish at the Plaza de Founders in the historic center of the city, to have a route with more spectators and more scenic.
[From: https://worldsmarathons.com/marathon/tangamanga-intl-marathon]