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Siberian Ice Half Marathon Siberian Ice Half Marathon Siberian Ice Half Marathon

  • Date Date Date 2017/01/07 2017/01/07 2017/01/07
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Omsk, Russia Omsk, Russia Omsk, Russia
    Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon Half Marathon Half Marathon
    Web Site Web Site Web Site www.runsim.ru www.runsim.ru www.runsim.ru
    Siberian Ice Marathon is the only major long-distance race arranged in Russia in winter. The event is held in extreme weather conditions of Siberian winter and has unofficial status of the coldest race in the world.

    Photo/Text Source: www.runsim.ru
    Siberian Ice Marathon is the only major long-distance race arranged in Russia in winter. The event is held in extreme weather conditions of Siberian winter and has unofficial status of the coldest race in the world.

    Photo/Text Source: www.runsim.ru
    Siberian Ice Marathon is the only major long-distance race arranged in Russia in winter. The event is held in extreme weather conditions of Siberian winter and has unofficial status of the coldest race in the world.

    Photo/Text Source: www.runsim.ru