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Da Nang International Marathon Da Nang International Marathon Da Nang International Marathon
Date Date Date 2017/08/06 2017/08/06 2017/08/06 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia Country Country Country Da Nang, Vietnam Da Nang, Vietnam Da Nang, Vietnam Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.rundanang.com http://www.rundanang.com http://www.rundanang.com Da Nang's coastline stretches 30 kilometers, renowned for pristine beautiful beaches with white sand, crystal-clear blue water and also popular for fishing, water-skiing, diving, and yachting. According to US Forbes Magazine, Da Nang is selected as one of the 6 most beautiful beaches in the world by its idyllic beach with smooth sand and a gentle slope. In addition, the green environment, less pollution, and traffic restriction of Da Nang got it listed as a first class city, and has a higher urbanization ratio than any of Vietnam's other provinces. It is considered to be the most worth-living city in Vietnam.
The run route will bring you the experience of the beautiful coastline, the mountain surrounded, the city with the bridges across the poetic Han’s river in the middle of the city during the sun rise. The sights and sounds around you, breathing in the fresh air as you take each stride on your run. This will certainly be the most memorable leg of your race. So come and have Vietnam and its alluring beauty be the ushers to one of your life’s runner’s milestones.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.rundanang.comDa Nang's coastline stretches 30 kilometers, renowned for pristine beautiful beaches with white sand, crystal-clear blue water and also popular for fishing, water-skiing, diving, and yachting. According to US Forbes Magazine, Da Nang is selected as one of the 6 most beautiful beaches in the world by its idyllic beach with smooth sand and a gentle slope. In addition, the green environment, less pollution, and traffic restriction of Da Nang got it listed as a first class city, and has a higher urbanization ratio than any of Vietnam's other provinces. It is considered to be the most worth-living city in Vietnam.
The run route will bring you the experience of the beautiful coastline, the mountain surrounded, the city with the bridges across the poetic Han’s river in the middle of the city during the sun rise. The sights and sounds around you, breathing in the fresh air as you take each stride on your run. This will certainly be the most memorable leg of your race. So come and have Vietnam and its alluring beauty be the ushers to one of your life’s runner’s milestones.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.rundanang.comDa Nang's coastline stretches 30 kilometers, renowned for pristine beautiful beaches with white sand, crystal-clear blue water and also popular for fishing, water-skiing, diving, and yachting. According to US Forbes Magazine, Da Nang is selected as one of the 6 most beautiful beaches in the world by its idyllic beach with smooth sand and a gentle slope. In addition, the green environment, less pollution, and traffic restriction of Da Nang got it listed as a first class city, and has a higher urbanization ratio than any of Vietnam's other provinces. It is considered to be the most worth-living city in Vietnam.
The run route will bring you the experience of the beautiful coastline, the mountain surrounded, the city with the bridges across the poetic Han’s river in the middle of the city during the sun rise. The sights and sounds around you, breathing in the fresh air as you take each stride on your run. This will certainly be the most memorable leg of your race. So come and have Vietnam and its alluring beauty be the ushers to one of your life’s runner’s milestones.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.rundanang.com