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Zurich Marato de Barcelona Zurich Marato de Barcelona Zurich Marato de Barcelona

  • Date Date Date 2017/03/12 2017/03/12 2017/03/12
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2016/04/01 - 2017/03/06 2016/04/01 - 2017/03/06 2016/04/01 - 2017/03/06
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee First 10,000 Participants: 61.50 EUR
    10,001 - 17,000 Participants: 73.00 EUR
    From 17,001 On: 84.00 EUR
    First 10,000 Participants: 61.50 EUR
    10,001 - 17,000 Participants: 73.00 EUR
    From 17,001 On: 84.00 EUR
    First 10,000 Participants: 61.50 EUR
    10,001 - 17,000 Participants: 73.00 EUR
    From 17,001 On: 84.00 EUR
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 17179 17179 17179
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 16595 16595 16595
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.zurichmaratobarcelona.es http://www.zurichmaratobarcelona.es http://www.zurichmaratobarcelona.es
    The Barcelona Marathon 2017 - or the Zurich Marató de Barcelona, as it is officially named - takes place on 12 March. Start and finish of the 42,195 km long circular course is the Av. Reina Cristina. This is the street that ascends from the Plaça Espanya to MNAC at the Font Magica. Behind the fountain, which is activated already during the day of the marathon and radiate its beautiful charm, there is the fair trade located here (Marato Expo). It starts two days before the marathon takes place.

    Photo Source: http://www.zurichmaratobarcelona.es
    Text Source: https://barcelona.de/en/barcelona-marathon.html
    The Barcelona Marathon 2017 - or the Zurich Marató de Barcelona, as it is officially named - takes place on 12 March. Start and finish of the 42,195 km long circular course is the Av. Reina Cristina. This is the street that ascends from the Plaça Espanya to MNAC at the Font Magica. Behind the fountain, which is activated already during the day of the marathon and radiate its beautiful charm, there is the fair trade located here (Marato Expo). It starts two days before the marathon takes place.

    Photo Source: http://www.zurichmaratobarcelona.es
    Text Source: https://barcelona.de/en/barcelona-marathon.html
    The Barcelona Marathon 2017 - or the Zurich Marató de Barcelona, as it is officially named - takes place on 12 March. Start and finish of the 42,195 km long circular course is the Av. Reina Cristina. This is the street that ascends from the Plaça Espanya to MNAC at the Font Magica. Behind the fountain, which is activated already during the day of the marathon and radiate its beautiful charm, there is the fair trade located here (Marato Expo). It starts two days before the marathon takes place.

    Photo Source: http://www.zurichmaratobarcelona.es
    Text Source: https://barcelona.de/en/barcelona-marathon.html