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Kazan Marathon Kazan Marathon Kazan Marathon
Date Date Date 2017/05/21 2017/05/21 2017/05/21 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe Country Country Country Kazan, Russia Kazan, Russia Kazan, Russia Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 1500 RUB 1500 RUB 1500 RUB Web Site Web Site Web Site http://kazanmarathon.org/en/ http://kazanmarathon.org/en/ http://kazanmarathon.org/en/ Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, the city with a thousand-year history that lies on the shores of the Volga River and has a population of over a million people. It is one of the major economic, political, scientific, educational, sport and cultural centers of Russia, which fairly bears the name of the Third Capital of Russia. This is the main race of 2017 in the TATAR.RUN race series, already an established brand in the world of sporting events, a high level of organization, the track in one lap and inexpressible emotions at the finish.
Photo/Text Source: http://kazanmarathon.org/en/Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, the city with a thousand-year history that lies on the shores of the Volga River and has a population of over a million people. It is one of the major economic, political, scientific, educational, sport and cultural centers of Russia, which fairly bears the name of the Third Capital of Russia. This is the main race of 2017 in the TATAR.RUN race series, already an established brand in the world of sporting events, a high level of organization, the track in one lap and inexpressible emotions at the finish.
Photo/Text Source: http://kazanmarathon.org/en/Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, the city with a thousand-year history that lies on the shores of the Volga River and has a population of over a million people. It is one of the major economic, political, scientific, educational, sport and cultural centers of Russia, which fairly bears the name of the Third Capital of Russia. This is the main race of 2017 in the TATAR.RUN race series, already an established brand in the world of sporting events, a high level of organization, the track in one lap and inexpressible emotions at the finish.
Photo/Text Source: http://kazanmarathon.org/en/