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Belfius Brussels Marathon & Half Marathon Belfius Brussels Marathon & Half Marathon Belfius Brussels Marathon & Half Marathon

  • Date Date Date October 1, 2017 October 1, 2017 October 1, 2017
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon
    Half Marathon
    1k Kids Run
    Half Marathon
    1k Kids Run
    Half Marathon
    1k Kids Run
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Marathon
    Until September 18: 70 EUR
    September 29, 30 + October 1, 2017: 90 EUR
    *T-shirt Included*
    Until September 18: 70 EUR
    September 29, 30 + October 1, 2017: 90 EUR
    *T-shirt Included*
    Until September 18: 70 EUR
    September 29, 30 + October 1, 2017: 90 EUR
    *T-shirt Included*
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details info@golazo.com info@golazo.com info@golazo.com
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.belfiusbrusselsmarathon.be http://www.belfiusbrusselsmarathon.be http://www.belfiusbrusselsmarathon.be

    The Belfius Brussels Marathon and Half Marathon, which takes place on October 1, is the first event to take place as part of a new partnership between Great Run and Golazo.

    Last month, the Great Run Company and Golazo announced they will be working together to expand the Great Run brand to the rest of the world. After years of offering a 5k, half marathon and marathon as part of a weekend of running in the Belgian capital, the Belfius Brussels Marathon and Half Marathon is a perfect fit with the Great Run series.

    Great Run is a concept from the United Kingdom. Its flagship event, the Simplyhealth Great North Run, was started by former Olympic athlete and world record holder Brendan Foster. Their events programme now stretches from Aberdeen in the north and Portsmouth in the south, with more than 250,000 runners taking part in events from 5k up to a full marathon.

    "You could call it a promotion," said Greg Broekmans, Director of Running at Golazo. "One which puts us on the map of the large English running market. The notion of Brussels as the capital of Europe should definitely help.

    "In the long-term, we will be aiming to increase the number of English runners at the start of the Belfius Brussels Marathon & Half Marathon as the combination with a weekend in our capital could be attractive to many."

    In the next few months, Golazo and The Great Run Company will announce new initiatives to expand Great Run as The World's Favorite Run across the world.

    Text Source: Official Website

    The Belfius Brussels Marathon and Half Marathon, which takes place on October 1, is the first event to take place as part of a new partnership between Great Run and Golazo.

    Last month, the Great Run Company and Golazo announced they will be working together to expand the Great Run brand to the rest of the world. After years of offering a 5k, half marathon and marathon as part of a weekend of running in the Belgian capital, the Belfius Brussels Marathon and Half Marathon is a perfect fit with the Great Run series.

    Great Run is a concept from the United Kingdom. Its flagship event, the Simplyhealth Great North Run, was started by former Olympic athlete and world record holder Brendan Foster. Their events programme now stretches from Aberdeen in the north and Portsmouth in the south, with more than 250,000 runners taking part in events from 5k up to a full marathon.

    "You could call it a promotion," said Greg Broekmans, Director of Running at Golazo. "One which puts us on the map of the large English running market. The notion of Brussels as the capital of Europe should definitely help.

    "In the long-term, we will be aiming to increase the number of English runners at the start of the Belfius Brussels Marathon & Half Marathon as the combination with a weekend in our capital could be attractive to many."

    In the next few months, Golazo and The Great Run Company will announce new initiatives to expand Great Run as The World's Favorite Run across the world.

    Text Source: Official Website

    The Belfius Brussels Marathon and Half Marathon, which takes place on October 1, is the first event to take place as part of a new partnership between Great Run and Golazo.

    Last month, the Great Run Company and Golazo announced they will be working together to expand the Great Run brand to the rest of the world. After years of offering a 5k, half marathon and marathon as part of a weekend of running in the Belgian capital, the Belfius Brussels Marathon and Half Marathon is a perfect fit with the Great Run series.

    Great Run is a concept from the United Kingdom. Its flagship event, the Simplyhealth Great North Run, was started by former Olympic athlete and world record holder Brendan Foster. Their events programme now stretches from Aberdeen in the north and Portsmouth in the south, with more than 250,000 runners taking part in events from 5k up to a full marathon.

    "You could call it a promotion," said Greg Broekmans, Director of Running at Golazo. "One which puts us on the map of the large English running market. The notion of Brussels as the capital of Europe should definitely help.

    "In the long-term, we will be aiming to increase the number of English runners at the start of the Belfius Brussels Marathon & Half Marathon as the combination with a weekend in our capital could be attractive to many."

    In the next few months, Golazo and The Great Run Company will announce new initiatives to expand Great Run as The World's Favorite Run across the world.

    Text Source: Official Website
