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Maraton Internacional de Asuncion Maraton Internacional de Asuncion Maraton Internacional de Asuncion
Date Date Date 2016/08/28 2016/08/28 2016/08/28 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Caribbean,Central,South America Caribbean,Central,South America Caribbean,Central,South America Country Country Country Asuncion, Paraguay Asuncion, Paraguay Asuncion, Paraguay Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.pmcpy.org http://www.pmcpy.org http://www.pmcpy.org Running takes your body, mind and spirit toward something better. The simple act of moving your feet in front of each other and moving forward makes you healthier, happier and more confident. When you start a corrida, we want to be that "Vamos!" That makes people live to run. It is our goal to offer each person a reason to run and never stop.
In the last years, in the Paraguay Marathon Club we have formed a group of people dedicated to the world of the races and our events help to develop in this world to all the corridors, from beginners to professionals, from children, youth, old adults and those With different capacities.
Today, we are known for our internationally significant events, such as the traditional Asunción International Marathon, which brings together riders from all over the world. We are committed to offering the highest quality event organization, using state-of-the-art technology and all our knowledge to give runners an unforgettable experience in every race. We are also committed to the corridors of tomorrow by promoting programs that educate and motivate young people across the country.
Together, with the help of our running friends, sponsors and partners, we work hard to fulfill our mission of giving people a reason to run. Today, tomorrow and for life.
Photo Source: http://www.pmcpy.orgRunning takes your body, mind and spirit toward something better. The simple act of moving your feet in front of each other and moving forward makes you healthier, happier and more confident. When you start a corrida, we want to be that "Vamos!" That makes people live to run. It is our goal to offer each person a reason to run and never stop.
In the last years, in the Paraguay Marathon Club we have formed a group of people dedicated to the world of the races and our events help to develop in this world to all the corridors, from beginners to professionals, from children, youth, old adults and those With different capacities.
Today, we are known for our internationally significant events, such as the traditional Asunción International Marathon, which brings together riders from all over the world. We are committed to offering the highest quality event organization, using state-of-the-art technology and all our knowledge to give runners an unforgettable experience in every race. We are also committed to the corridors of tomorrow by promoting programs that educate and motivate young people across the country.
Together, with the help of our running friends, sponsors and partners, we work hard to fulfill our mission of giving people a reason to run. Today, tomorrow and for life.
Photo Source: http://www.pmcpy.orgRunning takes your body, mind and spirit toward something better. The simple act of moving your feet in front of each other and moving forward makes you healthier, happier and more confident. When you start a corrida, we want to be that "Vamos!" That makes people live to run. It is our goal to offer each person a reason to run and never stop.
In the last years, in the Paraguay Marathon Club we have formed a group of people dedicated to the world of the races and our events help to develop in this world to all the corridors, from beginners to professionals, from children, youth, old adults and those With different capacities.
Today, we are known for our internationally significant events, such as the traditional Asunción International Marathon, which brings together riders from all over the world. We are committed to offering the highest quality event organization, using state-of-the-art technology and all our knowledge to give runners an unforgettable experience in every race. We are also committed to the corridors of tomorrow by promoting programs that educate and motivate young people across the country.
Together, with the help of our running friends, sponsors and partners, we work hard to fulfill our mission of giving people a reason to run. Today, tomorrow and for life.
Photo Source: http://www.pmcpy.org