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Rock'n'Roll Lisbon Marathon EDP / Rock'n'Roll Portugal Half Marathon Rock'n'Roll Lisbon Marathon EDP / Rock'n'Roll Portugal Half Marathon Rock'n'Roll Lisbon Marathon EDP / Rock'n'Roll Portugal Half Marathon

  • Date Date Date 2017/10/15 2017/10/15 2017/10/15
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Lisbon, Portugal Lisbon, Portugal Lisbon, Portugal
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.rocknrollLisbon.com http://www.rocknrollLisbon.com http://www.rocknrollLisbon.com
    Lisbon, Portugal is home to possibly the world’s most gorgeous marathon. Journey from the seaside village of Cascais, run along the banks of the Tagus River and pass World Heritage sites. Feel the excitement of 20,000 cheers and channel the energy to set a PR on this fast, flat course.

    The race begins at 8:30 AM, in Cascais, and runs for 42195 meters on the Marginal road, along the Tagus River to Lisbon, and finish at the Parque das Nações, at the same location of the Mini and Half Marathon, which run on the same morning. Marathon and Half Marathon participants share the last 8km of the race. Marathoners are directed to stay to the right and Half Marathoners to the left. The Marathon time limit is 6 hours. After the time has elapsed, the atheles will be asked to move to the sidewalks, and may not receive an official time. The time limit is a provision required by the official police authorities responsible for traffic in greater Lisbon.

    Photo Source: http://www.rocknrollLisbon.com
    Lisbon, Portugal is home to possibly the world’s most gorgeous marathon. Journey from the seaside village of Cascais, run along the banks of the Tagus River and pass World Heritage sites. Feel the excitement of 20,000 cheers and channel the energy to set a PR on this fast, flat course.

    The race begins at 8:30 AM, in Cascais, and runs for 42195 meters on the Marginal road, along the Tagus River to Lisbon, and finish at the Parque das Nações, at the same location of the Mini and Half Marathon, which run on the same morning. Marathon and Half Marathon participants share the last 8km of the race. Marathoners are directed to stay to the right and Half Marathoners to the left. The Marathon time limit is 6 hours. After the time has elapsed, the atheles will be asked to move to the sidewalks, and may not receive an official time. The time limit is a provision required by the official police authorities responsible for traffic in greater Lisbon.

    Photo Source: http://www.rocknrollLisbon.com
    Lisbon, Portugal is home to possibly the world’s most gorgeous marathon. Journey from the seaside village of Cascais, run along the banks of the Tagus River and pass World Heritage sites. Feel the excitement of 20,000 cheers and channel the energy to set a PR on this fast, flat course.

    The race begins at 8:30 AM, in Cascais, and runs for 42195 meters on the Marginal road, along the Tagus River to Lisbon, and finish at the Parque das Nações, at the same location of the Mini and Half Marathon, which run on the same morning. Marathon and Half Marathon participants share the last 8km of the race. Marathoners are directed to stay to the right and Half Marathoners to the left. The Marathon time limit is 6 hours. After the time has elapsed, the atheles will be asked to move to the sidewalks, and may not receive an official time. The time limit is a provision required by the official police authorities responsible for traffic in greater Lisbon.

    Photo Source: http://www.rocknrollLisbon.com