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UWI-SPEC Half Marathon UWI-SPEC Half Marathon UWI-SPEC Half Marathon

  • Date Date Date 2016/10/23 2016/10/23 2016/10/23
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Caribbean, Central, South America Caribbean, Central, South America Caribbean, Central, South America
    Country Country Country Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.sta.uwi.edu/spec http://www.sta.uwi.edu/spec http://www.sta.uwi.edu/spec
    The University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus will once again host its signature UWI SPEC International Half-Marathon on Sunday 23rd October, 2016. First Citizens is the presenting sponsor of the UWI SPEC International Half Marathon.

    This year, the Half Marathon will commence at the UWI SPEC from 5:30 a.m. with the 13.1 mile route remaining unchanged; the race will continue along the traffic-free Priority Bus Route (PBR) to the La Resource junction in D’Abadie, before doubling back to the UWI SPEC. The course will be complete with markers and water stops at every mile for the running convenience of the athletes from around the world including the Caribbean, USA, Latin America and Europe.

    Over 1300 local, regional and international athletes will compete for over TT$ 135,000.00 in prizes, including specific categories for UWI students and staff, University Students and wheelchair as well as physically challenged competitors. Participation has grown over the years from 300 at its inception in 2004 to over 1000 in 2013 – for this the only traffic free race of its kind in the region.

    Once again, this year’s race will be electronically timed and any records broken in this AIMS certified, and International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) accredited race will be recognized worldwide.

    Another important feature is the recognition by the National Amateur Athletic Association (NAAA) of the UWI SPEC International Half Marathon as its official half marathon championship.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.sta.uwi.edu/spec
    The University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus will once again host its signature UWI SPEC International Half-Marathon on Sunday 23rd October, 2016. First Citizens is the presenting sponsor of the UWI SPEC International Half Marathon.

    This year, the Half Marathon will commence at the UWI SPEC from 5:30 a.m. with the 13.1 mile route remaining unchanged; the race will continue along the traffic-free Priority Bus Route (PBR) to the La Resource junction in D’Abadie, before doubling back to the UWI SPEC. The course will be complete with markers and water stops at every mile for the running convenience of the athletes from around the world including the Caribbean, USA, Latin America and Europe.

    Over 1300 local, regional and international athletes will compete for over TT$ 135,000.00 in prizes, including specific categories for UWI students and staff, University Students and wheelchair as well as physically challenged competitors. Participation has grown over the years from 300 at its inception in 2004 to over 1000 in 2013 – for this the only traffic free race of its kind in the region.

    Once again, this year’s race will be electronically timed and any records broken in this AIMS certified, and International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) accredited race will be recognized worldwide.

    Another important feature is the recognition by the National Amateur Athletic Association (NAAA) of the UWI SPEC International Half Marathon as its official half marathon championship.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.sta.uwi.edu/spec
    The University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus will once again host its signature UWI SPEC International Half-Marathon on Sunday 23rd October, 2016. First Citizens is the presenting sponsor of the UWI SPEC International Half Marathon.

    This year, the Half Marathon will commence at the UWI SPEC from 5:30 a.m. with the 13.1 mile route remaining unchanged; the race will continue along the traffic-free Priority Bus Route (PBR) to the La Resource junction in D’Abadie, before doubling back to the UWI SPEC. The course will be complete with markers and water stops at every mile for the running convenience of the athletes from around the world including the Caribbean, USA, Latin America and Europe.

    Over 1300 local, regional and international athletes will compete for over TT$ 135,000.00 in prizes, including specific categories for UWI students and staff, University Students and wheelchair as well as physically challenged competitors. Participation has grown over the years from 300 at its inception in 2004 to over 1000 in 2013 – for this the only traffic free race of its kind in the region.

    Once again, this year’s race will be electronically timed and any records broken in this AIMS certified, and International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) accredited race will be recognized worldwide.

    Another important feature is the recognition by the National Amateur Athletic Association (NAAA) of the UWI SPEC International Half Marathon as its official half marathon championship.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.sta.uwi.edu/spec