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International WACHAUmarathon International WACHAUmarathon International WACHAUmarathon

  • Date Date Date September 17, 2017 September 17, 2017 September 17, 2017
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2016/12/01 - 2017/09/03 2016/12/01 - 2017/09/03 2016/12/01 - 2017/09/03
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Wachau, Austria Wachau, Austria Wachau, Austria
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon
    Half Marathon
    Quarter Marathon
    Relay Marathon
    Half Marathon
    Quarter Marathon
    Relay Marathon
    Half Marathon
    Quarter Marathon
    Relay Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Marathon: 70 EUR
    Half Marathon: 50 EUR
    Quarter Marathon: 40 EUR
    Relay Marathon: 110 EUR
    Marathon: 70 EUR
    Half Marathon: 50 EUR
    Quarter Marathon: 40 EUR
    Relay Marathon: 110 EUR
    Marathon: 70 EUR
    Half Marathon: 50 EUR
    Quarter Marathon: 40 EUR
    Relay Marathon: 110 EUR
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 6313 6313 6313
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 6262 6262 6262
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details office@wachaumarathon.com office@wachaumarathon.com office@wachaumarathon.com
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.wachaumarathon.com http://www.wachaumarathon.com http://www.wachaumarathon.com
    The WACHAUmarathon running route is enjoyed and appreciated by thousands of hobby runners due to its flat topography. There is hardly an easier and faster stretch than the one between Emmersdorf and Krems. Beginners especially appreciate when there is a running event with no hill or mountain. These ideal topographical conditions enable them to more easily achieve their own personal running goals. On the other hand the WACHAUmarathon can offer performance-oriented runners the perfect conditions for a fast race. In this way the Wachau “track” especially promotes personal best performances.

    Photo/Text Source: Official Website
    The WACHAUmarathon running route is enjoyed and appreciated by thousands of hobby runners due to its flat topography. There is hardly an easier and faster stretch than the one between Emmersdorf and Krems. Beginners especially appreciate when there is a running event with no hill or mountain. These ideal topographical conditions enable them to more easily achieve their own personal running goals. On the other hand the WACHAUmarathon can offer performance-oriented runners the perfect conditions for a fast race. In this way the Wachau “track” especially promotes personal best performances.

    Photo/Text Source: Official Website
    The WACHAUmarathon running route is enjoyed and appreciated by thousands of hobby runners due to its flat topography. There is hardly an easier and faster stretch than the one between Emmersdorf and Krems. Beginners especially appreciate when there is a running event with no hill or mountain. These ideal topographical conditions enable them to more easily achieve their own personal running goals. On the other hand the WACHAUmarathon can offer performance-oriented runners the perfect conditions for a fast race. In this way the Wachau “track” especially promotes personal best performances.

    Photo/Text Source: Official Website