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Medio Maraton Internacional Tlajomulco-Cajititlan Medio Maraton Internacional Tlajomulco-Cajititlan Medio Maraton Internacional Tlajomulco-Cajititlan
Date Date Date 2016/09/18 2016/09/18 2016/09/18 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region North America North America North America Country Country Country Tlajomulco, Mexico Tlajomulco, Mexico Tlajomulco, Mexico Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon Half Marathon Half Marathon Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.medio-maraton.tlajomulco.gob.mx http://www.medio-maraton.tlajomulco.gob.mx http://www.medio-maraton.tlajomulco.gob.mx One of the things that makes Medio Maraton Internacional Tlajomulco-Cajititlan unique is the run by the beautiful Cajititlan, this magical place is located south of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara towards Lake Chapala. The name comes from the Nahuatl root "caxitl" meaning bowl, plato, calabash or bowl and despite being away from Municipal Head, one of the most representative towns of Tlajomulco.
[From: https://medio-maraton.tlajomulco.gob.mx]One of the things that makes Medio Maraton Internacional Tlajomulco-Cajititlan unique is the run by the beautiful Cajititlan, this magical place is located south of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara towards Lake Chapala. The name comes from the Nahuatl root "caxitl" meaning bowl, plato, calabash or bowl and despite being away from Municipal Head, one of the most representative towns of Tlajomulco.
[From: https://medio-maraton.tlajomulco.gob.mx]One of the things that makes Medio Maraton Internacional Tlajomulco-Cajititlan unique is the run by the beautiful Cajititlan, this magical place is located south of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara towards Lake Chapala. The name comes from the Nahuatl root "caxitl" meaning bowl, plato, calabash or bowl and despite being away from Municipal Head, one of the most representative towns of Tlajomulco.
[From: https://medio-maraton.tlajomulco.gob.mx]