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Ekiden for Peace 2017 in Mt. Fuji / Lake Yamanakako Ekiden for Peace 2017 in Mt. Fuji / Lake Yamanakako Ekiden for Peace 2017 in Mt. Fuji / Lake Yamanakako
Date Date Date October 1, 2017 October 1, 2017 October 1, 2017 Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/03/31 - 2017/09/01 2017/03/31 - 2017/09/01 2017/03/31 - 2017/09/01 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia Country Country Country Yamanashi, Japan Yamanashi, Japan Yamanashi, Japan Categories Categories Categories 27km (5 Person Team)
13.5km (3 Person Team) 27km (5 Person Team)
13.5km (3 Person Team) 27km (5 Person Team)
13.5km (3 Person Team)Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 27 km (1 team/5 person team): 17,000 JPY
13.5 km (1 team/3 person team): 10,000 JPY
*1000 JPY will be donated to the Association of refugee assistance* 27 km (1 team/5 person team): 17,000 JPY
13.5 km (1 team/3 person team): 10,000 JPY
*1000 JPY will be donated to the Association of refugee assistance* 27 km (1 team/5 person team): 17,000 JPY
13.5 km (1 team/3 person team): 10,000 JPY
*1000 JPY will be donated to the Association of refugee assistance*Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details ye8877@yamanakako-ekiden.com ye8877@yamanakako-ekiden.com ye8877@yamanakako-ekiden.com Web Site Web Site Web Site http://yamanakako-ekiden.com http://yamanakako-ekiden.com http://yamanakako-ekiden.com This is a charity event organized under the belief of "giving back to the society by running". Those are words by Toshihiko Seko, who is a world-class marathon competitor of the 80's. Colleagues, families, and costume runners are all welcome! Join this ekiden relay with your team while enjoying the breathtaking scenery and crisp air of Mt. Fuji and Lake Yamanakako!
Photo Source: Race OrganizerThis is a charity event organized under the belief of "giving back to the society by running". Those are words by Toshihiko Seko, who is a world-class marathon competitor of the 80's. Colleagues, families, and costume runners are all welcome! Join this ekiden relay with your team while enjoying the breathtaking scenery and crisp air of Mt. Fuji and Lake Yamanakako!
Photo Source: Race OrganizerThis is a charity event organized under the belief of "giving back to the society by running". Those are words by Toshihiko Seko, who is a world-class marathon competitor of the 80's. Colleagues, families, and costume runners are all welcome! Join this ekiden relay with your team while enjoying the breathtaking scenery and crisp air of Mt. Fuji and Lake Yamanakako!
Photo Source: Race Organizer