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Scotiabank Calgary Marathon Scotiabank Calgary Marathon Scotiabank Calgary Marathon

  • Date Date Date May 27, 2018 May 27, 2018 May 27, 2018
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region North America North America North America
    Country Country Country Calgary, Canada Calgary, Canada Calgary, Canada
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon
    Half Marathon
    10K / 5K
    Half Marathon
    10K / 5K
    Half Marathon
    10K / 5K
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Marathon
    May 15 - July 1: $80
    July 2 - March 5: $100
    March 6 - May 22: $115
    May 15 - July 1: $80
    July 2 - March 5: $100
    March 6 - May 22: $115
    May 15 - July 1: $80
    July 2 - March 5: $100
    March 6 - May 22: $115
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details info@calgarymarathon.com info@calgarymarathon.com info@calgarymarathon.com
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.calgarymarathon.com http://www.calgarymarathon.com http://www.calgarymarathon.com
    Canada's Marathon is celebrating the sesquicentennial in style. We have partnered with an iconic Canadian artist on event t-shirts and commemorative Toonie finisher medals. On course you will discover quirky and cool things that make each region unique and special, fuel up on maple syrup waffles and run along side Flagbearers reppin' each province and territory! Stay tuned more to come!

    Photo Source: Official Website

    Canada's Marathon is celebrating the sesquicentennial in style. We have partnered with an iconic Canadian artist on event t-shirts and commemorative Toonie finisher medals. On course you will discover quirky and cool things that make each region unique and special, fuel up on maple syrup waffles and run along side Flagbearers reppin' each province and territory! Stay tuned more to come!

    Photo Source: Official Website

    Canada's Marathon is celebrating the sesquicentennial in style. We have partnered with an iconic Canadian artist on event t-shirts and commemorative Toonie finisher medals. On course you will discover quirky and cool things that make each region unique and special, fuel up on maple syrup waffles and run along side Flagbearers reppin' each province and territory! Stay tuned more to come!

    Photo Source: Official Website
