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Nova Poshta Kyiv Half Marathon Nova Poshta Kyiv Half Marathon Nova Poshta Kyiv Half Marathon
Date Date Date 2017/04/30 2017/04/30 2017/04/30 Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2016/04/30 - 2017/04/25 2016/04/30 - 2017/04/25 2016/04/30 - 2017/04/25 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe Country Country Country Kiev, Ukraine Kiev, Ukraine Kiev, Ukraine Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon Half Marathon Half Marathon Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Until 10/26/2016: 400 UAH
10/27/16 - 01/31/17: 450 UAH
02/01/17 - 04/02/17: 500 UAH Until 10/26/2016: 400 UAH
10/27/16 - 01/31/17: 450 UAH
02/01/17 - 04/02/17: 500 UAH Until 10/26/2016: 400 UAH
10/27/16 - 01/31/17: 450 UAH
02/01/17 - 04/02/17: 500 UAHNumber of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 413 413 413 Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 405 405 405 Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.kyivhalfmarathon.org http://www.kyivhalfmarathon.org http://www.kyivhalfmarathon.org If you are active, athletic and know how to enjoy life then Nova Poshta Kyiv Half Marathon is an event for you!
This is major running event of Ukraine which unites people who are in love with life, those who know how to live today and are ready to change TODAY. Leave for others life in yesterday and unfulfilled dreams, you deserve better, you are DIFFERENT! Nova Poshta Kyiv Half Marathon is the first step to real life which has a goal; everyone will have his own goal, but we will take the first step together.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.kyivhalfmarathon.orgIf you are active, athletic and know how to enjoy life then Nova Poshta Kyiv Half Marathon is an event for you!
This is major running event of Ukraine which unites people who are in love with life, those who know how to live today and are ready to change TODAY. Leave for others life in yesterday and unfulfilled dreams, you deserve better, you are DIFFERENT! Nova Poshta Kyiv Half Marathon is the first step to real life which has a goal; everyone will have his own goal, but we will take the first step together.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.kyivhalfmarathon.orgIf you are active, athletic and know how to enjoy life then Nova Poshta Kyiv Half Marathon is an event for you!
This is major running event of Ukraine which unites people who are in love with life, those who know how to live today and are ready to change TODAY. Leave for others life in yesterday and unfulfilled dreams, you deserve better, you are DIFFERENT! Nova Poshta Kyiv Half Marathon is the first step to real life which has a goal; everyone will have his own goal, but we will take the first step together.
Photo/Text Source: http://www.kyivhalfmarathon.org