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ASTA Grand Prix Casablanca ASTA Grand Prix Casablanca ASTA Grand Prix Casablanca
Date Date Date 2017/03/12 2017/03/12 2017/03/12 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Africa Africa Africa Country Country Country Casablanca, Morocco Casablanca, Morocco Casablanca, Morocco Categories Categories Categories 10km 10km 10km Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.running.ma http://www.running.ma http://www.running.ma ASTA 10K International De Casablanca takes place in Casablanca, Grand Casablanca, Morocco. This event, organized by the group Rahalthrough Manzeh Diafa association for social and sporting works under the technical direction of Mr. Rachid Benmeziane, wants Professional, Citizen and motivating.Rahal Memorial 10km Casablanca International is one of the few Moroccan circuits under the supervision of AIMS. The aim is to raise the standard of national races at the same level as international competitions.The race will have 3,000 athletes including national and international elites.
[From: https://mybestruns.com/ASTA10KDeCasablanca?b=fw10]
ASTA 10K International De Casablanca takes place in Casablanca, Grand Casablanca, Morocco. This event, organized by the group Rahalthrough Manzeh Diafa association for social and sporting works under the technical direction of Mr. Rachid Benmeziane, wants Professional, Citizen and motivating.Rahal Memorial 10km Casablanca International is one of the few Moroccan circuits under the supervision of AIMS. The aim is to raise the standard of national races at the same level as international competitions.The race will have 3,000 athletes including national and international elites.
[From: https://mybestruns.com/ASTA10KDeCasablanca?b=fw10]
ASTA 10K International De Casablanca takes place in Casablanca, Grand Casablanca, Morocco. This event, organized by the group Rahalthrough Manzeh Diafa association for social and sporting works under the technical direction of Mr. Rachid Benmeziane, wants Professional, Citizen and motivating.Rahal Memorial 10km Casablanca International is one of the few Moroccan circuits under the supervision of AIMS. The aim is to raise the standard of national races at the same level as international competitions.The race will have 3,000 athletes including national and international elites.
[From: https://mybestruns.com/ASTA10KDeCasablanca?b=fw10]