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Medio Maraton Atlas de Guadalajara Medio Maraton Atlas de Guadalajara Medio Maraton Atlas de Guadalajara
Date Date Date 2017/09/03 2017/09/03 2017/09/03 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region North America North America North America Country Country Country Guadalajara, Mexico Guadalajara, Mexico Guadalajara, Mexico Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon Half Marathon Half Marathon Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 1,000 MXN 1,000 MXN 1,000 MXN Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.mediomaratonatlas.com http://www.mediomaratonatlas.com http://www.mediomaratonatlas.com Medio Maraton Atlas de Guadalajara is one of the most important races in the country and, like the Atlas Clubs, is governed by the motto of "Family, Culture and Sport", since one of its main objectives is to promote and support the sport at a national level. It is an event of great importance, which is listed as one of the best events at the national level; thanks to its excellent organization and the great atmosphere that is lived. Each year the event reflects a greater participation of enthusiastic runners from different points of the Mexican Republic; Which has made this just an attractive showcase for commercial firms to promote and disseminate their products.
This race has a route of 21,097 km, on the most important avenues of our city, which is attended by more than 30,000 people, among runners, companions, volunteers, road protection, spectators and sponsors.
[From: http://mediomaraton.atlas.com.mx/istoria/]Medio Maraton Atlas de Guadalajara is one of the most important races in the country and, like the Atlas Clubs, is governed by the motto of "Family, Culture and Sport", since one of its main objectives is to promote and support the sport at a national level. It is an event of great importance, which is listed as one of the best events at the national level; thanks to its excellent organization and the great atmosphere that is lived. Each year the event reflects a greater participation of enthusiastic runners from different points of the Mexican Republic; Which has made this just an attractive showcase for commercial firms to promote and disseminate their products.
This race has a route of 21,097 km, on the most important avenues of our city, which is attended by more than 30,000 people, among runners, companions, volunteers, road protection, spectators and sponsors.
[From: http://mediomaraton.atlas.com.mx/istoria/]Medio Maraton Atlas de Guadalajara is one of the most important races in the country and, like the Atlas Clubs, is governed by the motto of "Family, Culture and Sport", since one of its main objectives is to promote and support the sport at a national level. It is an event of great importance, which is listed as one of the best events at the national level; thanks to its excellent organization and the great atmosphere that is lived. Each year the event reflects a greater participation of enthusiastic runners from different points of the Mexican Republic; Which has made this just an attractive showcase for commercial firms to promote and disseminate their products.
This race has a route of 21,097 km, on the most important avenues of our city, which is attended by more than 30,000 people, among runners, companions, volunteers, road protection, spectators and sponsors.
[From: http://mediomaraton.atlas.com.mx/istoria/]