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Stockholm Half Marathon Stockholm Half Marathon Stockholm Half Marathon
Date Date Date 2017/09/09 2017/09/09 2017/09/09 Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/09/10 - 2017/09/10 - 2017/09/10 - Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe Country Country Country Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm, Sweden Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon Half Marathon Half Marathon Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 09/09/16 - 09/18/16: 52 EUR
11/25/16 - 01/29/17: 58 EUR
01/30/17 - 07/02/17: 63 EUR
07/03/17 - 09/03/17: 73 EUR
Late Entry 09/08/17 - 09/09/17: 79 EUR at Expo
*Late Entry Subject to Availability 09/09/16 - 09/18/16: 52 EUR
11/25/16 - 01/29/17: 58 EUR
01/30/17 - 07/02/17: 63 EUR
07/03/17 - 09/03/17: 73 EUR
Late Entry 09/08/17 - 09/09/17: 79 EUR at Expo
*Late Entry Subject to Availability 09/09/16 - 09/18/16: 52 EUR
11/25/16 - 01/29/17: 58 EUR
01/30/17 - 07/02/17: 63 EUR
07/03/17 - 09/03/17: 73 EUR
Late Entry 09/08/17 - 09/09/17: 79 EUR at Expo
*Late Entry Subject to AvailabilityNumber of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 14701 14701 14701 Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.stockholmhalfmarathon.se http://www.stockholmhalfmarathon.se http://www.stockholmhalfmarathon.se The Stockholm Half Marathon is run on an inspiring course through the central districts of the Swedish capital. During the race you will pass many of Stockholm's most famous landmarks and buildings; Karlberg's Castle, the City Hall, the Royal Palace, the Swedish Parliament, the Old Town and the Royal Opera House. The difference between the highest and the lowest point of the course is 27 metres, and the distance is 21,098 metres.
Photo Source: http://www.stockholmhalfmarathon.seThe Stockholm Half Marathon is run on an inspiring course through the central districts of the Swedish capital. During the race you will pass many of Stockholm's most famous landmarks and buildings; Karlberg's Castle, the City Hall, the Royal Palace, the Swedish Parliament, the Old Town and the Royal Opera House. The difference between the highest and the lowest point of the course is 27 metres, and the distance is 21,098 metres.
Photo Source: http://www.stockholmhalfmarathon.seThe Stockholm Half Marathon is run on an inspiring course through the central districts of the Swedish capital. During the race you will pass many of Stockholm's most famous landmarks and buildings; Karlberg's Castle, the City Hall, the Royal Palace, the Swedish Parliament, the Old Town and the Royal Opera House. The difference between the highest and the lowest point of the course is 27 metres, and the distance is 21,098 metres.
Photo Source: http://www.stockholmhalfmarathon.se