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Chisinau International Marathon Chisinau International Marathon Chisinau International Marathon
Date Date Date 2017/10/01 2017/10/01 2017/10/01 Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/08/01 - 2017/09/28 2017/08/01 - 2017/09/28 2017/08/01 - 2017/09/28 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe Country Country Country Chisinau, Moldova Chisinau, Moldova Chisinau, Moldova Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 300 MDL 300 MDL 300 MDL Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 2209 2209 2209 Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 1978 1978 1978 Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.marathon.md http://www.marathon.md http://www.marathon.md The First International Marathon shall take place in Chisinau on April 26, 2015. 10 thousand people came out to the start line, 1000 of them ran 10, 21 and 42 km races. The route will be set around central streets of Chisinau (as per the Marathon map), the start and finish line will be located on the Great National Assembly Square.
According to the rules of international marathons, all participants will receive a starter pack, which will include the personal bib number, a disposable timing chip, a commemorative T-shirt and the route maps with the detailed schedule of the event. Feeding stations will be available at different points along the race course, where athletes can eat, drink, cool themselves with wet sponges, use the facilities, and if necessary, get medical assistance. At the finish line all participants will get commemorative medals, while the winners will receive valuable prizes, as well.
The International Marathon will help to create an increased positive image of Moldova, including the capital city. In addition to the promotion of sports and healthy lifestyle in our country, such a big race can attract more tourists and athletes from around the world and become a symbol of the city.
[From: http://marathon.md/en/about-marathon/]The First International Marathon shall take place in Chisinau on April 26, 2015. 10 thousand people came out to the start line, 1000 of them ran 10, 21 and 42 km races. The route will be set around central streets of Chisinau (as per the Marathon map), the start and finish line will be located on the Great National Assembly Square.
According to the rules of international marathons, all participants will receive a starter pack, which will include the personal bib number, a disposable timing chip, a commemorative T-shirt and the route maps with the detailed schedule of the event. Feeding stations will be available at different points along the race course, where athletes can eat, drink, cool themselves with wet sponges, use the facilities, and if necessary, get medical assistance. At the finish line all participants will get commemorative medals, while the winners will receive valuable prizes, as well.
The International Marathon will help to create an increased positive image of Moldova, including the capital city. In addition to the promotion of sports and healthy lifestyle in our country, such a big race can attract more tourists and athletes from around the world and become a symbol of the city.
[From: http://marathon.md/en/about-marathon/]The First International Marathon shall take place in Chisinau on April 26, 2015. 10 thousand people came out to the start line, 1000 of them ran 10, 21 and 42 km races. The route will be set around central streets of Chisinau (as per the Marathon map), the start and finish line will be located on the Great National Assembly Square.
According to the rules of international marathons, all participants will receive a starter pack, which will include the personal bib number, a disposable timing chip, a commemorative T-shirt and the route maps with the detailed schedule of the event. Feeding stations will be available at different points along the race course, where athletes can eat, drink, cool themselves with wet sponges, use the facilities, and if necessary, get medical assistance. At the finish line all participants will get commemorative medals, while the winners will receive valuable prizes, as well.
The International Marathon will help to create an increased positive image of Moldova, including the capital city. In addition to the promotion of sports and healthy lifestyle in our country, such a big race can attract more tourists and athletes from around the world and become a symbol of the city.
[From: http://marathon.md/en/about-marathon/]