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Du Motion Runners’ Days Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik Half Marathon) Du Motion Runners’ Days Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik Half Marathon) Du Motion Runners’ Days Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik Half Marathon)

  • Date Date Date April 29, 2018 April 29, 2018 April 29, 2018
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/09/08 - 2018/03/31 2017/09/08 - 2018/03/31 2017/09/08 - 2018/03/31
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Dubrovnik, Croatia Dubrovnik, Croatia Dubrovnik, Croatia
    Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon
    5K Charity Race
    2K (Run The Wall)
    Half Marathon
    5K Charity Race
    2K (Run The Wall)
    Half Marathon
    5K Charity Race
    2K (Run The Wall)
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Half Marathon:
    September 8, 2017 - October 7, 2017: 25 EUR (30 USD)
    October 8, 2017 - December 31, 2017: 30 EUR (35 USD)
    January 1, 2018 - February 28, 2018: 35 EUR (40 USD)
    March 1, 2018 - March 31, 2018: 40 EUR (45 USD)
    Half Marathon:
    September 8, 2017 - October 7, 2017: 25 EUR (30 USD)
    October 8, 2017 - December 31, 2017: 30 EUR (35 USD)
    January 1, 2018 - February 28, 2018: 35 EUR (40 USD)
    March 1, 2018 - March 31, 2018: 40 EUR (45 USD)
    Half Marathon:
    September 8, 2017 - October 7, 2017: 25 EUR (30 USD)
    October 8, 2017 - December 31, 2017: 30 EUR (35 USD)
    January 1, 2018 - February 28, 2018: 35 EUR (40 USD)
    March 1, 2018 - March 31, 2018: 40 EUR (45 USD)
    Web Site Web Site Web Site https://www.du-motion.com/en/home https://www.du-motion.com/en/home https://www.du-motion.com/en/home

    History is alive in every part of this city – as museum city and at the same time a live stage, it represents a perfect cross between the past and the present.

    Every nook and cranny of this Pearl of the Adriatic, as it is known, hides a treasure. Dubrovnik is surrounded by 1940 meters of unique medieval ramparts preserved in their original form and open to visitors as the citys flagship attraction. Protected by UNESCO World Heritage status since 1979, Dubrovnik can boast one of the first such listings in Croatia.

    Its rich history, geographic location, mild climate and traditional hospitality and excellence in tourism make Dubrovnik a recognized high quality product on the international tourism markets.

    The city is a destination of culture, as witnessed by its many festivals, prestigious art happenings, major open air events, excellent artists and athletes, and, last but not least, its architectural treasures. The variety of cultural events on offer lies at the heart of many a visitors decision to come and enjoy the unforgettable Dubrovnik evenings to the strains of virtuoso musicianship coming from the atriums of the citys palazzi all bathing in the moonlight reflected on the still, resplendent patina of the Adriatic.

    Dubrovnik is easily reached from all major European cities, a destination to savour your holidays that will leave you enchanted discovering its myriad stories and once- in-a-life-time experiences, a destination to fall in love with and come again and again…

    Text from Official Website

    History is alive in every part of this city – as museum city and at the same time a live stage, it represents a perfect cross between the past and the present.

    Every nook and cranny of this Pearl of the Adriatic, as it is known, hides a treasure. Dubrovnik is surrounded by 1940 meters of unique medieval ramparts preserved in their original form and open to visitors as the citys flagship attraction. Protected by UNESCO World Heritage status since 1979, Dubrovnik can boast one of the first such listings in Croatia.

    Its rich history, geographic location, mild climate and traditional hospitality and excellence in tourism make Dubrovnik a recognized high quality product on the international tourism markets.

    The city is a destination of culture, as witnessed by its many festivals, prestigious art happenings, major open air events, excellent artists and athletes, and, last but not least, its architectural treasures. The variety of cultural events on offer lies at the heart of many a visitors decision to come and enjoy the unforgettable Dubrovnik evenings to the strains of virtuoso musicianship coming from the atriums of the citys palazzi all bathing in the moonlight reflected on the still, resplendent patina of the Adriatic.

    Dubrovnik is easily reached from all major European cities, a destination to savour your holidays that will leave you enchanted discovering its myriad stories and once- in-a-life-time experiences, a destination to fall in love with and come again and again…

    Text from Official Website

    History is alive in every part of this city – as museum city and at the same time a live stage, it represents a perfect cross between the past and the present.

    Every nook and cranny of this Pearl of the Adriatic, as it is known, hides a treasure. Dubrovnik is surrounded by 1940 meters of unique medieval ramparts preserved in their original form and open to visitors as the citys flagship attraction. Protected by UNESCO World Heritage status since 1979, Dubrovnik can boast one of the first such listings in Croatia.

    Its rich history, geographic location, mild climate and traditional hospitality and excellence in tourism make Dubrovnik a recognized high quality product on the international tourism markets.

    The city is a destination of culture, as witnessed by its many festivals, prestigious art happenings, major open air events, excellent artists and athletes, and, last but not least, its architectural treasures. The variety of cultural events on offer lies at the heart of many a visitors decision to come and enjoy the unforgettable Dubrovnik evenings to the strains of virtuoso musicianship coming from the atriums of the citys palazzi all bathing in the moonlight reflected on the still, resplendent patina of the Adriatic.

    Dubrovnik is easily reached from all major European cities, a destination to savour your holidays that will leave you enchanted discovering its myriad stories and once- in-a-life-time experiences, a destination to fall in love with and come again and again…

    Text from Official Website
