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The 35th Carter Memorial Kurobe Meisui Marathon The 35th Carter Memorial Kurobe Meisui Marathon The 35th Carter Memorial Kurobe Meisui Marathon

  • Date Date Date May 27, 2018 May 27, 2018 May 27, 2018
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/12/01 - 2018/04/20 2017/12/01 - 2018/04/20 2017/12/01 - 2018/04/20
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia
    Country Country Country Toyama, Japan Toyama, Japan Toyama, Japan
    Categories Categories Categories 42.195km, 10km, 7.5km(Wheelchair Ride), 5km, 3km (Jogging) 42.195km, 10km, 7.5km(Wheelchair Ride), 5km, 3km (Jogging) 42.195km, 10km, 7.5km(Wheelchair Ride), 5km, 3km (Jogging)
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 42.195km 7000 JPY
    10km / 7.5km(Wheelchairs)/ 5k, Jogging: 3000 JPY
    42.195km 7000 JPY
    10km / 7.5km(Wheelchairs)/ 5k, Jogging: 3000 JPY
    42.195km 7000 JPY
    10km / 7.5km(Wheelchairs)/ 5k, Jogging: 3000 JPY
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 10,224 10,224 10,224
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details road@kurobe-sports.jp road@kurobe-sports.jp road@kurobe-sports.jp
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.kurobe-taikyo.jp/road/ http://www.kurobe-taikyo.jp/road/ http://www.kurobe-taikyo.jp/road/

    This is a historic race that many have participated in, including former President of United States, Jimmy Carter. It is one of the most popular races in Japan, and recently become one of the top 100 in the country. There are 22 water stops available on the route, which will serve exquisite and fresh water the locals are proud of. You'll enjoy running in the refreshing early summer air of the mountains, the river, and the sea. And before you go home, don't miss your chance to try some of the area's best food, free of charge!

    Click here to see this year's photos!

    This is a historic race that many have participated in, including former President of United States, Jimmy Carter. It is one of the most popular races in Japan, and recently become one of the top 100 in the country. There are 22 water stops available on the route, which will serve exquisite and fresh water the locals are proud of. You'll enjoy running in the refreshing early summer air of the mountains, the river, and the sea. And before you go home, don't miss your chance to try some of the area's best food, free of charge!

    Click here to see this year's photos!

    This is a historic race that many have participated in, including former President of United States, Jimmy Carter. It is one of the most popular races in Japan, and recently become one of the top 100 in the country. There are 22 water stops available on the route, which will serve exquisite and fresh water the locals are proud of. You'll enjoy running in the refreshing early summer air of the mountains, the river, and the sea. And before you go home, don't miss your chance to try some of the area's best food, free of charge!

    Click here to see this year's photos!
