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The 8th Shibuya-Omotesando Women's Run The 8th Shibuya-Omotesando Women's Run The 8th Shibuya-Omotesando Women's Run
Date Date Date March 25, 2018 March 25, 2018 March 25, 2018 Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/12/01 - 2018/01/27 2017/12/01 - 2018/01/27 2017/12/01 - 2018/01/27 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia Country Country Country Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan Categories Categories Categories 10km, 1km (Family Run) 10km, 1km (Family Run) 10km, 1km (Family Run) Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 10km 5000 JPY, 1km 1000JPY 10km 5000 JPY, 1km 1000JPY 10km 5000 JPY, 1km 1000JPY Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 5523 5523 5523 Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details inquiry_en@runners.co.jp inquiry_en@runners.co.jp inquiry_en@runners.co.jp Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.womensrun.jp/english http://www.womensrun.jp/english http://www.womensrun.jp/english This race is staged on the sunny main streets of Shibuya and Omotesando! Main streets that are normally crowded with people and cars like Koen Dori and Omotesando, are closed just for the race. The first half of the course through hilly Shibuya has a lot of ups and downs that make it challenging, but if you practice properly it'll be no problem! Even beginners will have plenty of fun. This is the only day of the year that Meiji Shrine is open to runners! Meiji Shrine is a green oasis in the center of the metropolis of Tokyo. Running through the hustle and bustle of the big city, you can experience the very peaceful quiet side of Tokyo. You'll experience the bliss of running through this power spot in the fresh morning air, a special privilege Meiji Shrine grants only to this important race.
Click here to see this year's movie!
This race is staged on the sunny main streets of Shibuya and Omotesando! Main streets that are normally crowded with people and cars like Koen Dori and Omotesando, are closed just for the race. The first half of the course through hilly Shibuya has a lot of ups and downs that make it challenging, but if you practice properly it'll be no problem! Even beginners will have plenty of fun. This is the only day of the year that Meiji Shrine is open to runners! Meiji Shrine is a green oasis in the center of the metropolis of Tokyo. Running through the hustle and bustle of the big city, you can experience the very peaceful quiet side of Tokyo. You'll experience the bliss of running through this power spot in the fresh morning air, a special privilege Meiji Shrine grants only to this important race.
Click here to see this year's movie!
This race is staged on the sunny main streets of Shibuya and Omotesando! Main streets that are normally crowded with people and cars like Koen Dori and Omotesando, are closed just for the race. The first half of the course through hilly Shibuya has a lot of ups and downs that make it challenging, but if you practice properly it'll be no problem! Even beginners will have plenty of fun. This is the only day of the year that Meiji Shrine is open to runners! Meiji Shrine is a green oasis in the center of the metropolis of Tokyo. Running through the hustle and bustle of the big city, you can experience the very peaceful quiet side of Tokyo. You'll experience the bliss of running through this power spot in the fresh morning air, a special privilege Meiji Shrine grants only to this important race.
Click here to see this year's movie!