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The 2nd Nikko 100km Ultra Marathon 2018 The 2nd Nikko 100km Ultra Marathon 2018 The 2nd Nikko 100km Ultra Marathon 2018
Date Date Date June 17, 2018 June 17, 2018 June 17, 2018 Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/12/21 - 2018/04/09 2017/12/21 - 2018/04/09 2017/12/21 - 2018/04/09 Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia Country Country Country Tochigi, Japan Tochigi, Japan Tochigi, Japan Categories Categories Categories 100km, 62.195km 100km, 62.195km 100km, 62.195km Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 100km: 22,000 JPY, 62.195km: 15,000 JPY 100km: 22,000 JPY, 62.195km: 15,000 JPY 100km: 22,000 JPY, 62.195km: 15,000 JPY Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 2,525 2,525 2,525 Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details http://www.r-wellness.com/nikko/contact/form.html http://www.r-wellness.com/nikko/contact/form.html http://www.r-wellness.com/nikko/contact/form.html Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.r-wellness.com/nikko/ http://www.r-wellness.com/nikko/ http://www.r-wellness.com/nikko/ A memorable run on a World Heritage you have never experienced before awaits you! Nikko Ultramarathon runners will race through the mountains and forest that has been a religious Japanese space since the ancient times. This area with famous cedar trees along the street offers an amazing view. "Seeing is believing." It's a "true" ultramarathon!
A memorable run on a World Heritage you have never experienced before awaits you! Nikko Ultramarathon runners will race through the mountains and forest that has been a religious Japanese space since the ancient times. This area with famous cedar trees along the street offers an amazing view. "Seeing is believing." It's a "true" ultramarathon!
A memorable run on a World Heritage you have never experienced before awaits you! Nikko Ultramarathon runners will race through the mountains and forest that has been a religious Japanese space since the ancient times. This area with famous cedar trees along the street offers an amazing view. "Seeing is believing." It's a "true" ultramarathon!