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Shimonoseki Kaikyo Marathon Shimonoseki Kaikyo Marathon Shimonoseki Kaikyo Marathon

  • Date Date Date November 1, 2015 November 1, 2015 November 1, 2015
    Location Location Location Yamaguchi Yamaguchi Yamaguchi
    Web Site Web Site Web Site

    Shimonoseki city is located in Yamaguchi Prefecture at the southwestern tip of Honshu Island. The Shimonoseki Kaikyo Marathon offers an undulating course and runs along two beautiful sea sides (Seto inland sea and the Sea of Japan).

    The course takes a flat route at beginning, then takes an up down route continuously later on.

    At the 29km aid station, somen noodles and energy gels are served to replenish your energy.

    This event contains three races (3km, 5km, Full) and each race reaches maximum capacity in a few hours. The full Marathon registration was closed within 78 minutes last year.

    Shimonoseki city is well-known for their local specialty, “Fugu” (pufferfish) and more than 80% of Fugu in Japan is caught at the Shimonoseki harbor. Up until the Meiji era, the consumption of Fugu was banned by the Tokugawa Shogunate. The ban was lifted in Shimonoseki first, therefore it is said that the origin of its popularity lies there. 


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