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The 30th Izumi Crane Marathon The 30th Izumi Crane Marathon The 30th Izumi Crane Marathon

  • Date Date Date October 21, 2018 October 21, 2018 October 21, 2018
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2018/06/26 - 2018/09/03 2018/06/26 - 2018/09/03 2018/06/26 - 2018/09/03
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia
    Country Country Country Kagoshima , Japan Kagoshima , Japan Kagoshima , Japan
    Categories Categories Categories 42.195km (certified), 10km, 3km 42.195km (certified), 10km, 3km 42.195km (certified), 10km, 3km
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 42.195km:4500 JPY, 10km・3km:4000 JPY 42.195km:4500 JPY, 10km・3km:4000 JPY 42.195km:4500 JPY, 10km・3km:4000 JPY
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details sports_c@city.izumi.kagoshima.jp sports_c@city.izumi.kagoshima.jp sports_c@city.izumi.kagoshima.jp
    Web Site Web Site Web Site https://runnetglobal.com/entry/runtes/smp/competitiondetail.do?raceId=E327882&div=1 https://runnetglobal.com/entry/runtes/smp/competitiondetail.do?raceId=E327882&div=1 https://runnetglobal.com/entry/runtes/smp/competitiondetail.do?raceId=E327882&div=1

    A race through Kyushu's refreshing autumn.You will run Izumi plains whose difference of altitude is 127m. Izumi is full of beautiful scenery and home to the world's best spot for migrating cranes.Enjoy watching this special national treasure. After the race you can enjoy sight seeing spots like the histric preservation district is including the samurai residence of the Edo period.The locals of Izumi welcome you with open arms as they prepare for various entertainments and services.

    A race through Kyushu's refreshing autumn.You will run Izumi plains whose difference of altitude is 127m. Izumi is full of beautiful scenery and home to the world's best spot for migrating cranes.Enjoy watching this special national treasure. After the race you can enjoy sight seeing spots like the histric preservation district is including the samurai residence of the Edo period.The locals of Izumi welcome you with open arms as they prepare for various entertainments and services.

    A race through Kyushu's refreshing autumn.You will run Izumi plains whose difference of altitude is 127m. Izumi is full of beautiful scenery and home to the world's best spot for migrating cranes.Enjoy watching this special national treasure. After the race you can enjoy sight seeing spots like the histric preservation district is including the samurai residence of the Edo period.The locals of Izumi welcome you with open arms as they prepare for various entertainments and services.
