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The Big Five Marathon The Big Five Marathon The Big Five Marathon

  • Date Date Date 2017/06/24 2017/06/24 2017/06/24
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2016/08/20 - 2016/08/20 - 2016/08/20 -
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Africa Africa Africa
    Country Country Country Vosburg, Republic of South Africa Vosburg, Republic of South Africa Vosburg, Republic of South Africa
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 284 284 284
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 263 263 263
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.big-five-marathon.com http://www.big-five-marathon.com http://www.big-five-marathon.com
    The Big Five Marathon in South Africa is held among the wildlife of the African savannah. Runners from all over the world will meet in one of the most spectacular “Big Five” game reserves in Africa. In these magnificent surroundings, we combine exciting game drives with a challenging marathon route going right through the habitat of the most famous African game: Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo, Lion and Leopard. No fences, no rivers, nothing at all separates the runners from the African wildlife.

    Photo Source: http://www.big-five-marathon.com
    The Big Five Marathon in South Africa is held among the wildlife of the African savannah. Runners from all over the world will meet in one of the most spectacular “Big Five” game reserves in Africa. In these magnificent surroundings, we combine exciting game drives with a challenging marathon route going right through the habitat of the most famous African game: Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo, Lion and Leopard. No fences, no rivers, nothing at all separates the runners from the African wildlife.

    Photo Source: http://www.big-five-marathon.com
    The Big Five Marathon in South Africa is held among the wildlife of the African savannah. Runners from all over the world will meet in one of the most spectacular “Big Five” game reserves in Africa. In these magnificent surroundings, we combine exciting game drives with a challenging marathon route going right through the habitat of the most famous African game: Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo, Lion and Leopard. No fences, no rivers, nothing at all separates the runners from the African wildlife.

    Photo Source: http://www.big-five-marathon.com