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261 Women’s Marathon 261 Women’s Marathon 261 Women’s Marathon

  • Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2015/09/01 - 2016/05/28 2015/09/01 - 2016/05/28 2015/09/01 - 2016/05/28
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Southern Europe Southern Europe Southern Europe
    Country Country Country Palma, Spain Palma, Spain Palma, Spain
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 65 EUR 65 EUR 65 EUR
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 1422 1422 1422
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 1399 1399 1399
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.261wm.com http://www.261wm.com http://www.261wm.com
    The fourth 261 Women’s Marathon due to take place on 2 April will not be held due to economic reasons.

    The 261 Women’s Marathon will not hold its fourth race in the streets of Palma de Mallorca. The reason for the cancellation is none other than the lack of economic resources needed to organise an event of this kind. This was a very difficult decision for the organisation to make and we would like to apologise for any incovenience caused.

    The 261 Women’s Marathon would like to thank all the organisations and institutions that in one way or another have helped us get as far as we did. Also the volunteers and people who gave their help to develop the 261WM over the different races. As for the registration fee payments for the 2017 race, the organisation comminicates that they will be returned in full to participants in 15 days.

    Finally to let you know that the 261WM movement doesn’t stop here and our meetings which we hold regularly at different points all over Spain will continue as normal. This is a wake up call to carry on fighting for equality in the running world and to continue enjoying this great sport.

    [From Official Website: https://261wm.com/en/]
    The fourth 261 Women’s Marathon due to take place on 2 April will not be held due to economic reasons.

    The 261 Women’s Marathon will not hold its fourth race in the streets of Palma de Mallorca. The reason for the cancellation is none other than the lack of economic resources needed to organise an event of this kind. This was a very difficult decision for the organisation to make and we would like to apologise for any incovenience caused.

    The 261 Women’s Marathon would like to thank all the organisations and institutions that in one way or another have helped us get as far as we did. Also the volunteers and people who gave their help to develop the 261WM over the different races. As for the registration fee payments for the 2017 race, the organisation comminicates that they will be returned in full to participants in 15 days.

    Finally to let you know that the 261WM movement doesn’t stop here and our meetings which we hold regularly at different points all over Spain will continue as normal. This is a wake up call to carry on fighting for equality in the running world and to continue enjoying this great sport.

    [From Official Website: https://261wm.com/en/]
    The fourth 261 Women’s Marathon due to take place on 2 April will not be held due to economic reasons.

    The 261 Women’s Marathon will not hold its fourth race in the streets of Palma de Mallorca. The reason for the cancellation is none other than the lack of economic resources needed to organise an event of this kind. This was a very difficult decision for the organisation to make and we would like to apologise for any incovenience caused.

    The 261 Women’s Marathon would like to thank all the organisations and institutions that in one way or another have helped us get as far as we did. Also the volunteers and people who gave their help to develop the 261WM over the different races. As for the registration fee payments for the 2017 race, the organisation comminicates that they will be returned in full to participants in 15 days.

    Finally to let you know that the 261WM movement doesn’t stop here and our meetings which we hold regularly at different points all over Spain will continue as normal. This is a wake up call to carry on fighting for equality in the running world and to continue enjoying this great sport.

    [From Official Website: https://261wm.com/en/]