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Zurich Maraton de Sevilla Zurich Maraton de Sevilla Zurich Maraton de Sevilla

  • Date Date Date 2017/02/19 2017/02/19 2017/02/19
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2016/04/12 - 2017/02/13 2016/04/12 - 2017/02/13 2016/04/12 - 2017/02/13
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Seville, Spain Seville, Spain Seville, Spain
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Until 12/31/16 or until available bibs have been taken:
    Ordinary: 24.4 EUR
    Disabled persons (33%): 12.2 EUR
    From 01/01/17 - 01/31/17 or until available bibs have been taken:
    Ordinary: 48.8 EUR
    Disabled persons (33%): 24.4 EUR
    Registration outside above periods (if there are bibs available):
    73.2 EUR
    Until 12/31/16 or until available bibs have been taken:
    Ordinary: 24.4 EUR
    Disabled persons (33%): 12.2 EUR
    From 01/01/17 - 01/31/17 or until available bibs have been taken:
    Ordinary: 48.8 EUR
    Disabled persons (33%): 24.4 EUR
    Registration outside above periods (if there are bibs available):
    73.2 EUR
    Until 12/31/16 or until available bibs have been taken:
    Ordinary: 24.4 EUR
    Disabled persons (33%): 12.2 EUR
    From 01/01/17 - 01/31/17 or until available bibs have been taken:
    Ordinary: 48.8 EUR
    Disabled persons (33%): 24.4 EUR
    Registration outside above periods (if there are bibs available):
    73.2 EUR
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.zurichmaratonsevilla.es http://www.zurichmaratonsevilla.es http://www.zurichmaratonsevilla.es
    14,000 athletes will be lined up at the startline in La Cartuja to face this unique and special challenge. The finish line is located at the athletic track of the ‘Olympic’ Stadium which hosted 1999 IAAF World Championship. This urban, flat, fast and beautiful brand new race course will drive athletes through the most beautiful monuments of the city. Zurich Maraton de Sevilla brings the unique opportunity to brake the Best personal result over the mythical distance to all the athletes, professional or age groupers, in one of the most perfect international marathon circuits, the flattest marathon course in Europe, only 10 meters elevation change, and at sea level. This race has awesome weather and sunny conditions in February in Seville: between 7-18 degress, a long tradition (32 editions) with animations/hot spots and spectators cheering all the athletes on.

    This fast marathon takes place through the streets around well known monuments such as the Giralda, the third largest Cathedral in the world, La Real Maestranza bullring, Torre del Oro, Plaza de España, Archivo de Indias, Reales Alcazares –Royal Palace and many beautiful and traditional streets in one of the largest historic old city centre in the world. In addition, athletes will cross the modern side of Sevilla, in La Cartuja (the site of the 1992 World Exposition) and some of the most important and picturesque neighborhoods: Triana, la Macarena.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.zurichmaratonsevilla.es
    14,000 athletes will be lined up at the startline in La Cartuja to face this unique and special challenge. The finish line is located at the athletic track of the ‘Olympic’ Stadium which hosted 1999 IAAF World Championship. This urban, flat, fast and beautiful brand new race course will drive athletes through the most beautiful monuments of the city. Zurich Maraton de Sevilla brings the unique opportunity to brake the Best personal result over the mythical distance to all the athletes, professional or age groupers, in one of the most perfect international marathon circuits, the flattest marathon course in Europe, only 10 meters elevation change, and at sea level. This race has awesome weather and sunny conditions in February in Seville: between 7-18 degress, a long tradition (32 editions) with animations/hot spots and spectators cheering all the athletes on.

    This fast marathon takes place through the streets around well known monuments such as the Giralda, the third largest Cathedral in the world, La Real Maestranza bullring, Torre del Oro, Plaza de España, Archivo de Indias, Reales Alcazares –Royal Palace and many beautiful and traditional streets in one of the largest historic old city centre in the world. In addition, athletes will cross the modern side of Sevilla, in La Cartuja (the site of the 1992 World Exposition) and some of the most important and picturesque neighborhoods: Triana, la Macarena.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.zurichmaratonsevilla.es
    14,000 athletes will be lined up at the startline in La Cartuja to face this unique and special challenge. The finish line is located at the athletic track of the ‘Olympic’ Stadium which hosted 1999 IAAF World Championship. This urban, flat, fast and beautiful brand new race course will drive athletes through the most beautiful monuments of the city. Zurich Maraton de Sevilla brings the unique opportunity to brake the Best personal result over the mythical distance to all the athletes, professional or age groupers, in one of the most perfect international marathon circuits, the flattest marathon course in Europe, only 10 meters elevation change, and at sea level. This race has awesome weather and sunny conditions in February in Seville: between 7-18 degress, a long tradition (32 editions) with animations/hot spots and spectators cheering all the athletes on.

    This fast marathon takes place through the streets around well known monuments such as the Giralda, the third largest Cathedral in the world, La Real Maestranza bullring, Torre del Oro, Plaza de España, Archivo de Indias, Reales Alcazares –Royal Palace and many beautiful and traditional streets in one of the largest historic old city centre in the world. In addition, athletes will cross the modern side of Sevilla, in La Cartuja (the site of the 1992 World Exposition) and some of the most important and picturesque neighborhoods: Triana, la Macarena.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.zurichmaratonsevilla.es