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The 70th Annual Fuji Mountain Race The 70th Annual Fuji Mountain Race The 70th Annual Fuji Mountain Race

  • Date Date Date July 28, 2017 July 28, 2017 July 28, 2017
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/03/21 - 2017/03/23 2017/03/21 - 2017/03/23 2017/03/21 - 2017/03/23
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia
    Country Country Country Yamanashi, Japan Yamanashi, Japan Yamanashi, Japan
    Categories Categories Categories 15km (5th Station Course), 21km (Summit Course) 15km (5th Station Course), 21km (Summit Course) 15km (5th Station Course), 21km (Summit Course)
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 21km: 15,000 JPY, 15km: 10,000 JPY
    *Fee includes: Insurance, Bus fare down from the 5th Station to Fuji Hokuroku Park, Shuttle service from Fuji Hokuroku Park to Fujisan Station, Certificate of cooperation in the conservation of Fujisan
    21km: 15,000 JPY, 15km: 10,000 JPY
    *Fee includes: Insurance, Bus fare down from the 5th Station to Fuji Hokuroku Park, Shuttle service from Fuji Hokuroku Park to Fujisan Station, Certificate of cooperation in the conservation of Fujisan
    21km: 15,000 JPY, 15km: 10,000 JPY
    *Fee includes: Insurance, Bus fare down from the 5th Station to Fuji Hokuroku Park, Shuttle service from Fuji Hokuroku Park to Fujisan Station, Certificate of cooperation in the conservation of Fujisan
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.fujimountainrace.jp/ http://www.fujimountainrace.jp/ http://www.fujimountainrace.jp/

    Let's enjoy the climb up Mount Fuji together! This event's finisher ratio is roughly 50%, are you up for the challenge?

    Let's enjoy the climb up Mount Fuji together! This event's finisher ratio is roughly 50%, are you up for the challenge?

    Let's enjoy the climb up Mount Fuji together! This event's finisher ratio is roughly 50%, are you up for the challenge?
