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Portland Marathon Portland Marathon Portland Marathon

  • Date Date Date 2017/10/08 2017/10/08 2017/10/08
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Northern America Northern America Northern America
    Country Country Country Oregon, United States of America Oregon, United States of America Oregon, United States of America
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.portlandmarathon.org http://www.portlandmarathon.org http://www.portlandmarathon.org
    The Portland Marathon is rated as one of the premier marathons in the U.S. and one of the top 10 road race events in the U.S, and one of the top 40 races of all types and distances. Runner’s World called the Portland Marathon “The best people’s marathon in the West” and for the past ten years has ranked it as one of the top marathons in the country. We are also very proud of previous rankings by the Ultimate Guide to Marathons which has listed the Portland Marathon as: “The best organized Marathon in North America” & “One of the top 3 marathons to do as a first marathon”
    Photo/Text Source: http://www.portlandmarathon.org
    The Portland Marathon is rated as one of the premier marathons in the U.S. and one of the top 10 road race events in the U.S, and one of the top 40 races of all types and distances. Runner’s World called the Portland Marathon “The best people’s marathon in the West” and for the past ten years has ranked it as one of the top marathons in the country. We are also very proud of previous rankings by the Ultimate Guide to Marathons which has listed the Portland Marathon as: “The best organized Marathon in North America” & “One of the top 3 marathons to do as a first marathon”
    Photo/Text Source: http://www.portlandmarathon.org
    The Portland Marathon is rated as one of the premier marathons in the U.S. and one of the top 10 road race events in the U.S, and one of the top 40 races of all types and distances. Runner’s World called the Portland Marathon “The best people’s marathon in the West” and for the past ten years has ranked it as one of the top marathons in the country. We are also very proud of previous rankings by the Ultimate Guide to Marathons which has listed the Portland Marathon as: “The best organized Marathon in North America” & “One of the top 3 marathons to do as a first marathon”
    Photo/Text Source: http://www.portlandmarathon.org