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Copenhagen Half Marathon Copenhagen Half Marathon Copenhagen Half Marathon

  • Date Date Date September 17, 2017 September 17, 2017 September 17, 2017
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Copenhagen, Denmark Copenhagen, Denmark Copenhagen, Denmark
    Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon Half Marathon Half Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Until 9/1/17: 450 Dkkr (Includes a t-shirt and a finisher medal) From 9/1/17: 500 Dkkr (Includes a t-shirt and a finisher medal) Until 9/1/17: 450 Dkkr (Includes a t-shirt and a finisher medal) From 9/1/17: 500 Dkkr (Includes a t-shirt and a finisher medal) Until 9/1/17: 450 Dkkr (Includes a t-shirt and a finisher medal) From 9/1/17: 500 Dkkr (Includes a t-shirt and a finisher medal)
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 19090 19090 19090
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 18855 18855 18855
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.copenhagenhalfmarathon.dk http://www.copenhagenhalfmarathon.dk http://www.copenhagenhalfmarathon.dk
    The 2017 edition of Copenhagen Half Marathon is the third annual edition of the race. The race starts and finish on Øster Allé 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark, and the elite race begins concurrently with the mass participation race. The race will be staging the 2017 Danish National Half Marathon Championships, and the Copenhagen Half Marathon has been awarded the prestigious quality designation IAAF Gold Label by the international Association of Athletic Federations, as the first race throughout the Nordic countries.

    The course is really fast and the 2016 edition of Copenhagen Half Marathon was the fastest Half Marathon in many years. Seven men finish within under 60 minuts, and that only happend once before in history. So the course is flat and fast, and it goes through some beautiful parts of Copenhagen. The streets are full of spectators, so as a runner you will experience an incredible atmosphere along the course.  

    Text/Photo Source: Race Organizer
    The 2017 edition of Copenhagen Half Marathon is the third annual edition of the race. The race starts and finish on Øster Allé 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark, and the elite race begins concurrently with the mass participation race. The race will be staging the 2017 Danish National Half Marathon Championships, and the Copenhagen Half Marathon has been awarded the prestigious quality designation IAAF Gold Label by the international Association of Athletic Federations, as the first race throughout the Nordic countries.

    The course is really fast and the 2016 edition of Copenhagen Half Marathon was the fastest Half Marathon in many years. Seven men finish within under 60 minuts, and that only happend once before in history. So the course is flat and fast, and it goes through some beautiful parts of Copenhagen. The streets are full of spectators, so as a runner you will experience an incredible atmosphere along the course.  

    Text/Photo Source: Race Organizer
    The 2017 edition of Copenhagen Half Marathon is the third annual edition of the race. The race starts and finish on Øster Allé 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark, and the elite race begins concurrently with the mass participation race. The race will be staging the 2017 Danish National Half Marathon Championships, and the Copenhagen Half Marathon has been awarded the prestigious quality designation IAAF Gold Label by the international Association of Athletic Federations, as the first race throughout the Nordic countries.

    The course is really fast and the 2016 edition of Copenhagen Half Marathon was the fastest Half Marathon in many years. Seven men finish within under 60 minuts, and that only happend once before in history. So the course is flat and fast, and it goes through some beautiful parts of Copenhagen. The streets are full of spectators, so as a runner you will experience an incredible atmosphere along the course.  

    Text/Photo Source: Race Organizer