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Salzburg Marathon Salzburg Marathon Salzburg Marathon

  • Date Date Date May 6, 2018 May 6, 2018 May 6, 2018
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/06/21 - 2018/04/29 2017/06/21 - 2018/04/29 2017/06/21 - 2018/04/29
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Salzburg, Austria Salzburg, Austria Salzburg, Austria
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Until December 31, 2017: 50 EUR
    Until March 11, 2018: 55 EUR
    Until April 29, 2018: 60 EUR
    Late Registrations: 75 EUR
    Until December 31, 2017: 50 EUR
    Until March 11, 2018: 55 EUR
    Until April 29, 2018: 60 EUR
    Late Registrations: 75 EUR
    Until December 31, 2017: 50 EUR
    Until March 11, 2018: 55 EUR
    Until April 29, 2018: 60 EUR
    Late Registrations: 75 EUR
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details office@salzburg-marathon.at office@salzburg-marathon.at office@salzburg-marathon.at
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.salzburg-marathon.at http://www.salzburg-marathon.at http://www.salzburg-marathon.at
    Are you ready for the king's competition? Experience the unique Marathon feeling while you are at the most famous sights of the Mozartstadt! The IAAF / AIMS measured route is considered to be particularly fast due to the small difference in height of a maximum of ten meters . The classic distance of 42.195 kilometers is completed on two rounds . Start and finish are as in the last year at Mirabellplatz directly in front of Mirabell Palace . Enjoy the postcard perspective on the UNESCO world heritage site Salzburg's old town.

    Photo/Text Source: Official Website
    Are you ready for the king's competition? Experience the unique Marathon feeling while you are at the most famous sights of the Mozartstadt! The IAAF / AIMS measured route is considered to be particularly fast due to the small difference in height of a maximum of ten meters . The classic distance of 42.195 kilometers is completed on two rounds . Start and finish are as in the last year at Mirabellplatz directly in front of Mirabell Palace . Enjoy the postcard perspective on the UNESCO world heritage site Salzburg's old town.

    Photo/Text Source: Official Website
    Are you ready for the king's competition? Experience the unique Marathon feeling while you are at the most famous sights of the Mozartstadt! The IAAF / AIMS measured route is considered to be particularly fast due to the small difference in height of a maximum of ten meters . The classic distance of 42.195 kilometers is completed on two rounds . Start and finish are as in the last year at Mirabellplatz directly in front of Mirabell Palace . Enjoy the postcard perspective on the UNESCO world heritage site Salzburg's old town.

    Photo/Text Source: Official Website