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Antarctica Marathon & Half Antarctica Marathon & Half Antarctica Marathon & Half

  • Date Date Date March 16, 2018 March 16, 2018 March 16, 2018
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica
    Country Country Country Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon, Half Marathon Marathon, Half Marathon Marathon, Half Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Packages and Rates Packages and Rates Packages and Rates
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 191 191 191
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 191 191 191
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details Marathon Tours and Travel Marathon Tours and Travel Marathon Tours and Travel
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.antarcticamarathon.com http://www.antarcticamarathon.com http://www.antarcticamarathon.com
    Marathon Tours & Travel has been offering the Antarctica Marathon & Half-Marathon since its inception in 1995.  As the proud event organizer and the exclusive tour operator, in conjunction with One Ocean Expeditions, we are excited to bring 200 runners and their supporters to this authentic event on March 16 and 17, 2018. 

    The Antarctica Tour Package begins with three-nights in Buenos Aires for time to meet your running peers, participate in a few training runs, and attend the mandatory race briefing and welcome dinner.   We will then fly you to Ushuaia, which is located at the southern tip of Argentina.  It is here where you will start your journey to Antarctica aboard the Akademik Ioffe Ship or the Akademik Vavilov Ship.  Over the course of several days you will sail through the Beagle Channel across the Drake Passage, through the Shetland Islands and along the Antarctic Peninsula until reaching King George’s Island – the location of the Marathon and Half-Marathon!  

    Due to the incredible popularity of this event, we are sold out through 2019 and are currently accepting booking forms for 2020.  We still welcome you to apply to be on the waitlist for 2018 and 2019.  A completed booking form and a deposit of $300 per person must be submitted to request reservations. 

    Photo/Text Source: Official Website
    Marathon Tours & Travel has been offering the Antarctica Marathon & Half-Marathon since its inception in 1995.  As the proud event organizer and the exclusive tour operator, in conjunction with One Ocean Expeditions, we are excited to bring 200 runners and their supporters to this authentic event on March 16 and 17, 2018. 

    The Antarctica Tour Package begins with three-nights in Buenos Aires for time to meet your running peers, participate in a few training runs, and attend the mandatory race briefing and welcome dinner.   We will then fly you to Ushuaia, which is located at the southern tip of Argentina.  It is here where you will start your journey to Antarctica aboard the Akademik Ioffe Ship or the Akademik Vavilov Ship.  Over the course of several days you will sail through the Beagle Channel across the Drake Passage, through the Shetland Islands and along the Antarctic Peninsula until reaching King George’s Island – the location of the Marathon and Half-Marathon!  

    Due to the incredible popularity of this event, we are sold out through 2019 and are currently accepting booking forms for 2020.  We still welcome you to apply to be on the waitlist for 2018 and 2019.  A completed booking form and a deposit of $300 per person must be submitted to request reservations. 

    Photo/Text Source: Official Website
    Marathon Tours & Travel has been offering the Antarctica Marathon & Half-Marathon since its inception in 1995.  As the proud event organizer and the exclusive tour operator, in conjunction with One Ocean Expeditions, we are excited to bring 200 runners and their supporters to this authentic event on March 16 and 17, 2018. 

    The Antarctica Tour Package begins with three-nights in Buenos Aires for time to meet your running peers, participate in a few training runs, and attend the mandatory race briefing and welcome dinner.   We will then fly you to Ushuaia, which is located at the southern tip of Argentina.  It is here where you will start your journey to Antarctica aboard the Akademik Ioffe Ship or the Akademik Vavilov Ship.  Over the course of several days you will sail through the Beagle Channel across the Drake Passage, through the Shetland Islands and along the Antarctic Peninsula until reaching King George’s Island – the location of the Marathon and Half-Marathon!  

    Due to the incredible popularity of this event, we are sold out through 2019 and are currently accepting booking forms for 2020.  We still welcome you to apply to be on the waitlist for 2018 and 2019.  A completed booking form and a deposit of $300 per person must be submitted to request reservations. 

    Photo/Text Source: Official Website