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Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon and Ottawa 10K Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon and Ottawa 10K Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon and Ottawa 10K

  • Date Date Date 2018: To be confirmed 2018: To be confirmed 2018: To be confirmed
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region North America North America North America
    Country Country Country Ottawa, Canada Ottawa, Canada Ottawa, Canada
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon
    Half Marathon
    10K / 5K
    Half Marathon
    10K / 5K
    Half Marathon
    10K / 5K
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details info@runottawa.ca info@runottawa.ca info@runottawa.ca
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.runottawa.ca http://www.runottawa.ca http://www.runottawa.ca
    Featuring the beautiful scenery of Canada’s capital, the top-notch organization of an IAAF event, the atmosphere of hundreds of thousands of spectators, and a fast course perfect both for personal bests and first-timers, this is a world-class marathon that must be experienced. The Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon is also one of Canada’s largest Boston Qualifiers.

     Source: Official Website
    Featuring the beautiful scenery of Canada’s capital, the top-notch organization of an IAAF event, the atmosphere of hundreds of thousands of spectators, and a fast course perfect both for personal bests and first-timers, this is a world-class marathon that must be experienced. The Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon is also one of Canada’s largest Boston Qualifiers.

     Source: Official Website
    Featuring the beautiful scenery of Canada’s capital, the top-notch organization of an IAAF event, the atmosphere of hundreds of thousands of spectators, and a fast course perfect both for personal bests and first-timers, this is a world-class marathon that must be experienced. The Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon is also one of Canada’s largest Boston Qualifiers.

     Source: Official Website