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Pila International Half Marathon Pila International Half Marathon Pila International Half Marathon

  • Date Date Date 2017/09/03 2017/09/03 2017/09/03
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/01/17 - 2017/08/27 2017/01/17 - 2017/08/27 2017/01/17 - 2017/08/27
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Pila, Poland Pila, Poland Pila, Poland
    Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon Half Marathon Half Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 55 PLN 55 PLN 55 PLN
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 3273 3273 3273
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 3259 3259 3259
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.pila.halfmarathon.pl http://www.pila.halfmarathon.pl http://www.pila.halfmarathon.pl
    The 27th Philips Half Marathon will be the Polish Championships men and women in half marathon. In addition, the Police Championship will be held.Last year the Philips Half Marathon was completed by 3.259 runners. Current course records of the Philips Half Marathon are: Men: 1:02:11 - Daniel Muteti (Kenya) Women: 1:12:13 Maryna Damantsevich (Belarus) Traditionally, image of a famous Polish marathon runner will be shown on the race medal. His name will be announced later.
    Photo/Text Source: http://www.pila.halfmarathon.pl
    The 27th Philips Half Marathon will be the Polish Championships men and women in half marathon. In addition, the Police Championship will be held.Last year the Philips Half Marathon was completed by 3.259 runners. Current course records of the Philips Half Marathon are: Men: 1:02:11 - Daniel Muteti (Kenya) Women: 1:12:13 Maryna Damantsevich (Belarus) Traditionally, image of a famous Polish marathon runner will be shown on the race medal. His name will be announced later.
    Photo/Text Source: http://www.pila.halfmarathon.pl
    The 27th Philips Half Marathon will be the Polish Championships men and women in half marathon. In addition, the Police Championship will be held.Last year the Philips Half Marathon was completed by 3.259 runners. Current course records of the Philips Half Marathon are: Men: 1:02:11 - Daniel Muteti (Kenya) Women: 1:12:13 Maryna Damantsevich (Belarus) Traditionally, image of a famous Polish marathon runner will be shown on the race medal. His name will be announced later.
    Photo/Text Source: http://www.pila.halfmarathon.pl