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Zurich Marathon Zurich Marathon Zurich Marathon

  • Date Date Date April 22, 2018 April 22, 2018 April 22, 2018
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Zurich, Switzerland Zurich, Switzerland Zurich, Switzerland
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon, Teamrun, Cityrun Marathon, Teamrun, Cityrun Marathon, Teamrun, Cityrun
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.zuerichmarathon.ch/ http://www.zuerichmarathon.ch/ http://www.zuerichmarathon.ch/
     The Zurich Marathon is popular both with pro athletes and amateurs and provides a unique running experience in and around Zurich. The route runs for the most part along Lake Zurich and consequently is not only attractive as a sports event, but also visually. The start and finish lines are at the upper lake basin and go through downtown Zurich, which provides an impressive backdrop for spectators. In addition to the marathon, there is also a Teamrun (4 runners) and a Cityrun (9.85k).

    Text / Photo Source: Race Organizer
     The Zurich Marathon is popular both with pro athletes and amateurs and provides a unique running experience in and around Zurich. The route runs for the most part along Lake Zurich and consequently is not only attractive as a sports event, but also visually. The start and finish lines are at the upper lake basin and go through downtown Zurich, which provides an impressive backdrop for spectators. In addition to the marathon, there is also a Teamrun (4 runners) and a Cityrun (9.85k).

    Text / Photo Source: Race Organizer
     The Zurich Marathon is popular both with pro athletes and amateurs and provides a unique running experience in and around Zurich. The route runs for the most part along Lake Zurich and consequently is not only attractive as a sports event, but also visually. The start and finish lines are at the upper lake basin and go through downtown Zurich, which provides an impressive backdrop for spectators. In addition to the marathon, there is also a Teamrun (4 runners) and a Cityrun (9.85k).

    Text / Photo Source: Race Organizer