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The 47th International Turtle Marathon in Adachi / The 21st Barrier-free Turtle Marathon The 47th International Turtle Marathon in Adachi / The 21st Barrier-free Turtle Marathon The 47th International Turtle Marathon in Adachi / The 21st Barrier-free Turtle Marathon

  • Date Date Date October 21, 2018 October 21, 2018 October 21, 2018
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2018/04/15 - 2018/08/31 2018/04/15 - 2018/08/31 2018/04/15 - 2018/08/31
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia
    Country Country Country Tokyo , Japan Tokyo , Japan Tokyo , Japan
    Categories Categories Categories Half, 10 km, 5 km, Walking 10 km, Walking 5 km, 1 mile (1.6 km) Pair Half, 10 km, 5 km, Walking 10 km, Walking 5 km, 1 mile (1.6 km) Pair Half, 10 km, 5 km, Walking 10 km, Walking 5 km, 1 mile (1.6 km) Pair
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Half: 5000 JPY, 10 km: 3500 JPY, 5 km: 3000 JPY, Walking 10km: 3000 JPY(Age13~15 :2000 JPY), Walking 5km: 3000 JPY(Age13~15 :2000 JPY),1 mile(1.6 km): 2000 JYP, handicapped person: 2000 JPY Half: 5000 JPY, 10 km: 3500 JPY, 5 km: 3000 JPY, Walking 10km: 3000 JPY(Age13~15 :2000 JPY), Walking 5km: 3000 JPY(Age13~15 :2000 JPY),1 mile(1.6 km): 2000 JYP, handicapped person: 2000 JPY Half: 5000 JPY, 10 km: 3500 JPY, 5 km: 3000 JPY, Walking 10km: 3000 JPY(Age13~15 :2000 JPY), Walking 5km: 3000 JPY(Age13~15 :2000 JPY),1 mile(1.6 km): 2000 JYP, handicapped person: 2000 JPY
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details info@turtle.or.jp info@turtle.or.jp info@turtle.or.jp
    Web Site Web Site Web Site https://runnetglobal.com/entry/runtes/smp/competitiondetail.do?raceId=E327703&div=1 https://runnetglobal.com/entry/runtes/smp/competitiondetail.do?raceId=E327703&div=1 https://runnetglobal.com/entry/runtes/smp/competitiondetail.do?raceId=E327703&div=1

    The Assembly has been evolved! Now it has become an assembly that is safer, more comfortable, more delicious and that everyone can be united to enjoy together! The time limit has been extended and the half has been changed to the two-steps start to ease congestion! Here you can be enough cheered and energized with exciting performances, and not only runners but also their families or friends will be full with fresh gourmets and feel happy to be united with enthusiasm!

    The Assembly has been evolved! Now it has become an assembly that is safer, more comfortable, more delicious and that everyone can be united to enjoy together! The time limit has been extended and the half has been changed to the two-steps start to ease congestion! Here you can be enough cheered and energized with exciting performances, and not only runners but also their families or friends will be full with fresh gourmets and feel happy to be united with enthusiasm!

    The Assembly has been evolved! Now it has become an assembly that is safer, more comfortable, more delicious and that everyone can be united to enjoy together! The time limit has been extended and the half has been changed to the two-steps start to ease congestion! Here you can be enough cheered and energized with exciting performances, and not only runners but also their families or friends will be full with fresh gourmets and feel happy to be united with enthusiasm!
